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Discussion on | ZETA - New Server 29.07.2022 | International within the Metin2 PServer Advertising forum part of the Metin2 Private Server category.

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Old 12/17/2022, 04:39   #676
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Habe irgendwie mies performance probleme.. der server killt irgendwie meine cpu, liegt das nur an mir? habe ne i7 9700k
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Old 12/17/2022, 16:18   #677
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Patchnotes 2.0.11

Daily Mission Rework:
- Reworked rewards of Daily Missions (Wikipedia will be adjusted in the near future) For exact details regarding the rework visit our forum:

- Added an option that you can choose which minigame you want to play (Mysterious Game Chest)
- Added Force of Earth, Force of Wind, Force of Darkness, Force of Fire, Force of Ice and Force of Lightning as possible 6/7 bonus for Talisman Soul (Removed all Lucent White Powershard and Rainbow Powershard from offline shops)
- Increased the Magic Resistance of Exedyar
- Replaced all existing Game Cards with Mysterious Game Cards
- Increased the amount of Lucent White Powershard to craft a Rainbow Powershard 1 -> 2
- Increased the amount of Bravery Medal (Low) to craft a Element Parchment 5 -> 10 (Removed all Bravery Medal (Low) from offline shops)
- Decreased dropchance of Dragon Scales
- Increased dropchance of Dragon Claws
- Decreased dropchance of Moon Stone
- Increased dropchance of Fencing Pamphlet
- Slightly increased dropchance of Weapon Design (Low)
- Decreased dropchance of Chest of Darkness
- Added Grey Dye and Black Dye to Jotun Thrym Chest
- Removed Mithril from Jotun Thrym Chest
- Increased dropchance of Mithril from Chest of Darkness
- Increased the amount of Fine Cloth needed for a Zodiac Sash

- Fixed a bug that opening a wikipedia page caused performance issues
- Fixed a bug with the buffi skill page opening before you took an education

Patchnotes 3.8.16

- Added an option that you can choose which minigame you want to play (Mysterious Game Chest)
- Added Mysterious Game Cards as a drop to Atlantis metinstones
- Slightly decreased dropchance of Soul of Troll
- Slightly increased dropchance of Troll Horn
- Increased dropchance of Red Dragon Scale at Crystal Drake
- Increased dropchance of Red Dragon Scale at Hydra Chest
- Increased dropchance of Epic Chaos Stones at all Boss Chests
- Increased dropchance of Brave Pet Book
- Increased dropchance of Elixir of the Gods
- Removed Pet Experience Orb at Thranduil Chest, Hydra Chest and Crystal Drake Chest
- Reduced dropchance of Tough Straps at Jotun Thrym Chest, Awakened Nemere Chest and Awakened Razador Chest

- Fixed a bug that opening a wikipedia page caused performance issues
- Fixed a bug with the buffi skill page opening before you took an education
- Fixed a visual bug at the Bottle of Mulled Wine affect icon

Patchnotes 2.0.12

Info: In order to fix the cooldown timer of your dungeons restart the game and open it via patcher

- Slightly increased the drop chance of Spider Legs
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Fencing Pamphlet
- Reduced the HP of Baashido that spawns from Lv. 90 Map metinstones
- Added a warning message for the usage of the non-tradeable version of Remove Item Bonus
- Improved translations

- Maintenance announcements should not affect the ingame performance anymore

Patchnotes 3.8.17

Info: In order to fix the cooldown timer of your dungeons restart the game and open it via patcher

- Reduced the HP of Baashido that spawns from Lv. 90 Map metinstones
- Added a warning message for the usage of the non-tradeable version of Remove Item Bonus

- Maintenance announcements should not affect the ingame performance anymore
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Old 12/18/2022, 21:20   #678

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Theres just one thing to say about Sigma:

If you really want to play Aeldra, play Aeldra! It makes no sense to play Sigma for fAsTeR pRoGrEsSiOn. Aeldra has a much bigger market with cheaper prices and believe me, you will have a faster progress there. The announced "Daily Events" are just for 4 hours a day and mostly like "10% strong against metinstones" or double boss loot. Even the double metin loot event, that was announced for yesterday, was canceled

I dont know how it feels like to play in a big group and if its worth or not. But as a solo player, you can ignore this server and go for Aeldra.

So many players complaining about the progress on Sigma and theyre still nerfing drops.
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Old 12/19/2022, 08:10   #679
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Originally Posted by Lord Goku View Post
Theres just one thing to say about Sigma:

If you really want to play Aeldra, play Aeldra! It makes no sense to play Sigma for fAsTeR pRoGrEsSiOn. Aeldra has a much bigger market with cheaper prices and believe me, you will have a faster progress there. The announced "Daily Events" are just for 4 hours a day and mostly like "10% strong against metinstones" or double boss loot. Even the double metin loot event, that was announced for yesterday, was canceled

I dont know how it feels like to play in a big group and if its worth or not. But as a solo player, you can ignore this server and go for Aeldra.

So many players complaining about the progress on Sigma and theyre still nerfing drops.
Wenn du mit 14 Tage Full IS und 3 Tage free Event push nichts anfangen kannst, bist du und die anderen vllt einfach nur zu dumm zum Metin zocken
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Old 12/19/2022, 08:24   #680
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Und das im screenshot ist ne rumänische gilde die haben das in einer stunde runter gespammt, das ist offensichtlich nicht was normale spieler denken

Auf Aeldra spielst du ja 3 tage nur um das starterset zu erreichen, keine ahnung wie man auf die idee kommt das Sigma langsamer wäre

Edit: Einzige was man verbessern sollte ist passive skill book drop imo
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Old 12/19/2022, 14:44   #681

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Originally Posted by Metin2.Zephyr View Post
Wenn du mit 14 Tage Full IS und 3 Tage free Event push nichts anfangen kannst, bist du und die anderen vllt einfach nur zu dumm zum Metin zocken
Du bist zu dumm zum Lesen scheinbar. Ich habe gesagt, dass man auf Aeldra schneller voran kommt und nicht, dass ich damit nichts anfangen kann. Außerdem ist gefühlt jede 2. Woche Anfängerevent, womit du dann auch deine 7 Tage Itemshop hast. Aber der heutige Patch könnte tatsächlich sogar schon ausreichen sein, da wurden ja echt viele Drops gebufft.

Originally Posted by Almanyo View Post
Und das im screenshot ist ne rumänische gilde die haben das in einer stunde runter gespammt, das ist offensichtlich nicht was normale spieler denken

Auf Aeldra spielst du ja 3 tage nur um das starterset zu erreichen, keine ahnung wie man auf die idee kommt das Sigma langsamer wäre

Edit: Einzige was man verbessern sollte ist passive skill book drop imo
Ich habe in 5-6 Stunden Spielzeit auf Aeldra fast das komplette Seelenkristalleq auf +9 gehabt. Ein Teil kostet gerade mal 200kk auf Aeldra. Aber wie gesagt, der heutige Patch geht auf jeden Fall in die richtige Richtung.
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Old 12/21/2022, 08:43   #682
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Ich habe Sigma bisschen später gestartet und muss sagen, dass ich direkt zu Start hätte anfangen sollen. Schade um die paar Tage, die ich wo anders verschwendet hab.

Der Server fühlt sich SEHR gut an, man muss legit kein cent ausgeben und hat alles nötige, was man braucht. Gerade als ich dachte, dass das gameplay gut ist, kam dann auch noch ein größerer Patch, was es mir noch besser gemacht hat. Im gegensatz zu anderen, lässt das Aeldra team Worten taten folgen statt einfach nur zu sagen "wir arbeiten dran". Es war wohl Anfangs etwas laggs beim porten aber seit ich spiele spüre ich absolut nix davon. Ich bin gespannt auf weiteres.
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Old 12/21/2022, 11:26   #683
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Originally Posted by Lord Goku View Post
Du bist zu dumm zum Lesen scheinbar. Ich habe gesagt, dass man auf Aeldra schneller voran kommt und nicht, dass ich damit nichts anfangen kann. Außerdem ist gefühlt jede 2. Woche Anfängerevent, womit du dann auch deine 7 Tage Itemshop hast. Aber der heutige Patch könnte tatsächlich sogar schon ausreichen sein, da wurden ja echt viele Drops gebufft.

Ich habe in 5-6 Stunden Spielzeit auf Aeldra fast das komplette Seelenkristalleq auf +9 gehabt. Ein Teil kostet gerade mal 200kk auf Aeldra. Aber wie gesagt, der heutige Patch geht auf jeden Fall in die richtige Richtung.
Das stimmt einfach nicht. Man progressiert auf Sigma sehr wohl deutlich schneller als auf Aeldra. Kann sein, dass der Markt auf Aeldra manches EQ-Teil billiger anbietet, allerdings kannst du mir nicht erzählen, dass man auf AE beispielsweise die Pet-Skills innerhalb von 3 Tagen auf 20% hat.

Für einen 4 Wochen-Server müssen (und werden auch regelmäßig) allerdings noch ein paar Sachen angepasst werden.
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Old 12/21/2022, 14:49   #684

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Originally Posted by masterblaster87 View Post
Das stimmt einfach nicht. Man progressiert auf Sigma sehr wohl deutlich schneller als auf Aeldra. Kann sein, dass der Markt auf Aeldra manches EQ-Teil billiger anbietet, allerdings kannst du mir nicht erzählen, dass man auf AE beispielsweise die Pet-Skills innerhalb von 3 Tagen auf 20% hat.

Für einen 4 Wochen-Server müssen (und werden auch regelmäßig) allerdings noch ein paar Sachen angepasst werden.
Heute würde ich auch nicht mehr behaupten, dass Sigma nicht worth sei. Die ganzen Anpassungen in den letzten 2 Tagen waren auf jeden Fall sehr wichtig. Aber so ganz unrecht kann ich ja nicht gehabt haben, wenn gefühlt alle Drops erhöht wurden und weiterhin erhöht werden.
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Old 12/22/2022, 15:42   #685
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Patchnotes 2.0.15

- Added the Guild Whisper Chat
- You can open it via the guild message tab at the guild UI
- Every Guild Member will receive the message via whisper message
- If the whisper message gets opened it opens the Guild Chat

- Added a confirmation window before untradeable Enchant Items get used with Switch Bot
- Removed Talisman Boxes from Jotun
- Removed the 2nd Cor Draconis (Rough) from Lv. 90 Map and Ochao Temple metinstones
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Epic Chaos Stone
- Slightly increased the drop chance of the 2nd Energy Shard from Lv. 90 Map metinstones
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Red Dragon Horn
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Sturdy Cords
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Red Dye
- Slightly increased the drop chance of White Dye
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Blue Dye
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Seal of the Gods
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Reinforce Talisman
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Titanium Dioxide
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Agate
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Moonstone
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Dragon Wings

- Fixed a bug with Element Bonuses from Sashes
- Fixed a bug with the Skill Description of Feather Walk
- Fixed a bug that the wiki landing page was not displayed
- Fixed the wiki link behind the (?) at the auto bravery cape window

- Added the Guild Whisper Chat
- You can open it via the guild message tab at the guild UI
- Every Guild Member will receive the message via whisper message
- If the whisper message gets opened it opens the Guild Chat

- Added rarity to costumes in the Wiki
- Remade the Devils Catacomb Lobby
- Added a confirmation window before untradeable Enchant Items get used with Switch Bot

- Fixed a bug that the wiki landing page was not displayed
- Fixed the wiki link behind the (?) at the auto bravery cape window
- Fixed Hydra Test Boss
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Old 12/24/2022, 00:10   #686
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Patchnotes 2.0.13

- Increased the amount of Sock (Purple) to two at Red Forest
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Yang from Razador and Nemere Chest
- Added Akzadur Chest as a reward to Heavy Mission Book (Dungeon)
- Added Quests for the Palace of the Dragon King Akzadur to Heavy Mission Book (Dungeon)
- Added Exedyar Chest as a reward to Royal Mission Book (Dungeon)
- Added Quests for the Palace of the Dragon King Exedyar to Royal Mission Book (Dungeon)
- Added new Mission Book Zodiac Mission Book (Rewards will be added to the Wiki soon)
- Added Zodiac Mission Book as a drop to Final Zodiac Bosses
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Moonstone
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Spider Legs

Patchnotes 3.8.18

- Fixed a bug that dungeon items didnt drop on the floor if the inventory was full
- Fixed a bug with Auto Skill Reader using Legendary Soul Stones

Patchnotes 2.0.14

- Adjusted the Wiki according to the new Daily Mission rewards
- Alchemy Stones can be put into the normal inventory from the storage now
- Reduced the Switcher goal from 10 million to 5 million for Event Stage 4
- Added a highlighting for the Dungeon Overview, Ranking and Shop Search via mouse hover
- Improved the design of the selected special inventory button

- Fixed a bug that certain Bosses were not counting for Zodiac Mission Books
- Fixed a bug that it was not possible to collect the reward from Zodiac Mission Books
- Fixed the Unknown Type visual bug at the switchbot bonus display that occured for some players

Patchnotes 3.8.19

- Added a highlighting for the Dungeon Overview, Ranking and Shop Search via mouse hover
- Improved the design of the selected special inventory button
- Alchemy Stones can be put into the normal inventory from the storage now
- Added the shop search button to the minimap
- Adjusted the hitbox of Atlantis metinstones
- Adjusted the hitbox of Christmas Gift (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond)

- Fixed the Unknown Type visual bug at the switchbot bonus display that occured for some players
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Old 12/25/2022, 21:59   #687
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Patchnotes 2.0.16

- Added the up/down arrow buttons to the Dungeon Timer to order dungeons individually
- Added the Snowball animation to the Emotion Board

- Improved a lot of translations
- Decreased the monster count for Hydra and Meley Mission Book quests
- Added short cut details about the Auto Skill Reader if you hover over a "+" to improve a skill
- Added HP to the bonus list of Emerald Bracelet

- Fixed the Christmas Gift origin
- Fixed a bug with the new guild chat
- Fixed the screen flicking at char select
- Fixed that you could exceed the character limit by using ^

Patchnotes 3.8.21

- Added the up/down arrow buttons to the Dungeon Timer to order dungeons individually
- Added the Snowball animation to the Emotion Board

- Improved a lot of translations
- Added short cut details about the Auto Skill Reader if you hover over a "+" to improve a skill

- Fixed the blockzone at Thranduil to not get stuck anymore
- Fixed a bug with the new guild chat
- Fixed the screen flicking at char select
- Fixed that you could exceed the character limit by using ^
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Old 12/29/2022, 16:11   #688
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Beginner Event
The Beginner Event on Zeta is still active until the 08.01.2023 at 23:59 CET!
Join now and receive a Beginner Chest with free itemshop items!

Maintenance 29.12.2022
The new Game Version will be 2.0.17

  • - Added Scroll of the Location (available through Chest of Spider Baroness, Grim Reaper's Chest, Chest of Leaders)
    - Added several Element Rings to the gaya shop

  • - Reduced the waiting time to teleport after any interaction with
    Warpring/Dungeontimer. Also changed the position of "Try Again" and "Cancel" at the warpring to avoid getting disconnected when warping

    - Reworked the content of Chest of Spider Baroness
    - Reworked the content of Grim Reaper's Chest
    - Reworked the content of Azrael's Chest
    - Reworked the content of Beran-Setaou Chest
    - Reworked the content of Chest of Leaders
    - Reworked the content of Chest of Deities
    - Reworked the content of Hunter's Chest
    - Replaced Magic Iron Ore with Fencing Pamphlet at RX: Beran-Setaou Chest
    - Replaced Booster Time (3 Days) with Booster Time (7 Days) at Razador Chest and Nemere Chest
    - Removed Booster Time (3 Days) and Dragon Flame Shard at Akzadur Chest
    - Added White Dye, Blue Dye, Red Dye at Akzadur Chest
    - Removed White Dye, Blue Dye, Red Dye at Exedyar Chest
    - Added God's Flower, Book of Truth, Ritual Stone Shard at Exedyar Chest
    - Increased amount of Blessing Scroll at Lv. 30 Apprentice Chest (5 -> 25)
    - Increased amount of Green Magic at Lv. 30 Apprentice Chest (50 -> 200)
    - Increased amount of Blessing Scroll at Lv. 55 Apprentice Chest (10 -> 50)
    - Added 50x Enchant Item (B) at Lv. 55 Apprentice Chest
    - Added Potion of Wisdom (B) at Lv. 75 Apprentice Chest
    - Added 15x Scroll of the Location at Lv. 75 Apprentice Chest
    - Added Auto Pickup (1 Day) at Lv. 75 Apprentice Chest
    - Replaced Shrunken Head, Twisted Key with Easy Rotation Box II at Lv. 75 Apprentice - Chest
    - Replaced Enchant Item with Enchant Item (B) and increased the amount to 200 at Lv. 75 Apprentice Chest
    - Replaced Cor Draconis (Antique) with Cor Draconis (Legendary) at Lv. 75 Apprentice Chest
    - Replaced Reinforce Costume Booster and Enchant Costume Booster with Reinforce Costume Booster (B) and Enchant Costume Booster (B) and increased the amount at Lv. 75 Apprentice Chest
    - Replaced Enchant Item with Enchant Item (B) at Lv. 90, Lv. 105, Lv. 110 and Lv. 115 - Apprentice Chest and doubled it's amount.
    - Increased respawntime of low map bosses (e.g. Flame King, Yellow Tiger Ghost) to 20 minutes - Replaced 2x Cor Draconis (Rare) with 2x Cor Draconis (Antique) at Normal Mission Book (Dungeon)
    - Increased amount of Herb Chest at Normal Mission Book (Dungeon) (2 -> 15)
    - Increased amount of Herb Chest at Easy Mission Book (Dungeon) (2 -> 10)
    - Increased amount of Blessing Scroll at Spider Baroness, Death Reaper, Azrael, Beran Setaou
    - Added Magic Iron Ore to Azrael and Beran
    - Removed Magic Iron Ore from Razador and Nemere
    - Increased dropchance of Spider Legs
    - Increased amount of White Pearls for Polymorph Marble 2 -> 4
    - Reduced amount of Blood-Red Pearls for Polymorph Marble 2 -> 1
    - Slightly reduced dropchance of Grey Dye and Black Dye from Jotun Thrym Chest
    - Slightly reduced dropchance of Dragon Flame Shard
    - Slightly increased dropchance of Flame Stone
    - Slightly reduced dropchance of Pet Book Chest
    - Slightly reduced dropchance of Glory Boots at Nemere Chest
    - Slightly increased dropchance of King Fisher Shoes at Razador Chest
    - Removed Stone of the Blacksmith as a drop from Hydra's Treasure
    - Increased dropchance of quest items at several Hydra's Diary missions
    - Reduced amount of Gemstone at High Lv. dungeons to 20
    - Increased amount of Gemstone at Spider Baroness and Death Reaper to 25
    - Added Ship Wheel at Hydra Dungeon in order to start the dungeon
    - Added a new system that players with Lv. 90 can't drop anymore from low map - - bosses (e.g. Flame King, Yellow Tiger Ghost)

  • - Fixed a bug with Auto Bravery Cape that it was sometimes not usable
    - Fixed a bug with reviving at Zodiac Temple

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Old 12/31/2022, 12:36   #689
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Gibt es aktuell echt kein einzigen Server außer den hier?
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Old 12/31/2022, 16:38   #690
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Wenn Sigma nicht gestartet wäre hätte ich auf Zeta begonnen.

Bis jetzt Aeldra generell immer gemieden aber muss echt sagen hier fühlt es sich einfach besser an als bei anderen Servern.

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