Opened a New Server
Come and Ranking Replace cap İmmediately!
Not the Exclusive Sales
1 Getting Started 99 last level
100% Turkish One Game
100% Turkish Tasks
NPCs regular.
Curled Aktiftir Aktiftir.Ejderha Chamber wishes to İtemleri Beta Key.
Ox and trouble-free system with TR aynıdır.Güncel
Lv is 95 Max.Statü .99. 'To get up to.
Boss in the game is a type of system is completely GB.
Dragon room and catabomb active.
Completely smooth and bugsuz store system.
Warehouse where you are on the quest.
Current And Hassle Ox System.
Duties biologist working smoothly.
Events are regularly maintained.
Cheating is not allowed to use-Blasphemy, 3.Seferde Prevent Permanent Account.
All boss and slots, exp, item, currency rates are set.
Definitely NOT Sale Items Edit.!
GMs will help your problems is quite available. 24/7 online is GM.
Distribution, etc. Certainly there is no discrimination in the game item.
Tasteful, fair and long-term for a game you should choose us and go with us.
Game Management Sincerely, your server, invited ...!
And can there be communication TL'Ler permanent GM;
Promotional video
~~~~~ The Management Team~~~~~
HP ; 2K
Note:All the German and the British Public are İnvited to Our Server.
Come and Ranking Replace cap İmmediately!
Not the Exclusive Sales
1 Getting Started 99 last level
100% Turkish One Game
100% Turkish Tasks
NPCs regular.
Curled Aktiftir Aktiftir.Ejderha Chamber wishes to İtemleri Beta Key.
Ox and trouble-free system with TR aynıdır.Güncel
Lv is 95 Max.Statü .99. 'To get up to.
Boss in the game is a type of system is completely GB.
Dragon room and catabomb active.
Completely smooth and bugsuz store system.
Warehouse where you are on the quest.
Current And Hassle Ox System.
Duties biologist working smoothly.
Events are regularly maintained.
Cheating is not allowed to use-Blasphemy, 3.Seferde Prevent Permanent Account.
All boss and slots, exp, item, currency rates are set.
Definitely NOT Sale Items Edit.!
GMs will help your problems is quite available. 24/7 online is GM.
Distribution, etc. Certainly there is no discrimination in the game item.
Tasteful, fair and long-term for a game you should choose us and go with us.
Game Management Sincerely, your server, invited ...!
And can there be communication TL'Ler permanent GM;
Promotional video
~~~~~ The Management Team~~~~~
HP ; 2K
Note:All the German and the British Public are İnvited to Our Server.