Ein Fehler in deinem locale ordner, um genau zu sein etwas in der germany/hongkong.
Überprüg mal deine mob_drop_item.txt , special_item_group.txt dort liegt sicher der fehler
[Frage] 2010er Files Neuer Fehler -> ThreeWayWar 06/24/2012 - Metin2 Private Server - 33 Replies moin;
das sind die letzten fehler :D
kennt einer vllt Lösung?
get a load of this! 07/03/2009 - Grand Chase Philippines - 42 Replies this will surely work but mahihirapan kau paganahin..xD
an engine alternative!
Can't Load 05/27/2007 - Silkroad Online - 4 Replies I have the newest bot and client (1.63 and the 1.098) And two nights ago my bot was working fine, now everytime i right click the bot and go to start game it gives me the sand timer for about 1 second and nothing loads up. I have un-installed/re-installed Silkroad, re-installed the 1.63 bot and the 1.098 client. I've done everything that i know of. I'm using the payed bot btw, so if anyone knows of what to do your help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT* here is whats in both of my folders,...