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mhaendler mhaendler is offline

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  • Last Activity: 12/16/2024 09:23
  • Join Date: 07/26/2008


00:42 - $crim mentioned mhaendler in post [630E*Gold Giveaway by »Raven.]
1# Deadlee6 2# ZENS!ERT 3# mhaendler Sieger der herzen Rocky Egold geht direkt raus.
21:42 - ZENS!ERT mentioned mhaendler in post VERLOSUNG #10 ~ Elite Gold / PayPal / Bitcoins ~
GEWINNER: @αи∂ιι 5 € Bitcoins mhaendler 5 € PayPal Destrox 500 Elite Gold Bitte nichts mehr posten. Die Verlosung ist beendet. Es wird nur noch auf die Gewinn-Bestätigung gewartet. :) Und die nächs...


03:07 - L33T' quoted mhaendler in post Designumsetzung in Frontend
Gerne mehr Informationen via PM, Discord oder Skype Skype added.
00:57 - LamaChoco quoted mhaendler in post OK to ask for exploit/Scripting help here...
Func isStackable($item) Local $t = DllStructGetData($item, 'Type') If $t = 9 Or $t = 11 Or $t = 18 Or $t = 30 Or $t = 31 Then Return True ; Usable | Material | Key | Trophy(Feathere...
11:03 - Deleted Posts
09:50 - Coaxx123 quoted mhaendler in post GW Working Bots 2019! is just a way to solve a bad programming, IMO) Adlibregister can make problems on low spec pc, espacially when you have multiple clients / bots running _ Greetings mhaendler This is my problem, obviously being new to autoit (I have dabbled in I see the code and think everything needs a complicated answer, but mhaendler your method is su...
10:19 -
08:39 -
08:21 - oneshout quoted mhaendler in post GW Working Bots 2019!
Fixed the GUI The Dropdown with the current active gw characters is now working ;) mhaendler, faster than light :handsdown:
21:40 - Deleted Posts
13:29 - SyntaxBreaker quoted mhaendler in post [S] Frontend-Entwickler
Gerne mehr Informationen via PM Rechnungsstellung kein Problem Habe dich gerade geaddet
15:55 - derwisch1234 quoted mhaendler in post GW Working Bots 2019!
how can you adjust to identify and sell golden items? Right Click on the Script -> Edit Script Change this line to: If $lRarity == $RARITY_GOLD Then Return False; gold ite...
19:52 - chr1zzLy quoted mhaendler in post Suche: Web- & App- Programmierer
Guten Abend, ich habe eine Idee für ein kleines Spiel welches ich gerne mit einem oder auch mehreren Entwickkern herausbringen würde. Leider kann ich nichts coden, ich habe davon nicht...
08:45 - felsberger7 quoted mhaendler in post Suche egold / Biete PP
wv würdest mir für mein ganzes eg geben? 3.8 euro pp ff Mein e*gold für 5€ Das is nen kurs von 1:74 nein danke. Ich biet dir 4.3 euro an
12:08 - HidirMan quoted mhaendler in post CSS Scripter (paar änderungen) [B] BTC
Gerne mehr Informationen via PM Infos wurden per PM überreicht.
15:54 - SyntaxBreaker quoted mhaendler in post [S] Zend Framework 2 Kenner (DB) [B] $
Gerne mehr per PM, Discord oder Skype. Habe schon einige Projekte von ZF1 auf ZF2 umgezogen habe dich auf discord geaddet
12:13 - ★ MrJava ★ quoted mhaendler in post Signatur Werbung [Biete]EliteGold / PayPal
Hey, ich hätte interesse für dich Werbung zu machen Gerne den Preis via PM _ mhaendler 25 eg
19:52 - ITEM-SHOP quoted mhaendler in post [S] E* Gold [Biete] Paypal
Mein e*gold für 4.58 € habe gerade 3 euro paypal aufm konto
16:49 - 3vangelist quoted mhaendler in post Kurzick Title Farming - Ferndale Vanquish Bot
You code is a good example but i have certain problems with this: in some autoit version your bot will crash ( not guild wars) because variables are not declared, here is a better way: ...
15:47 - berota quoted mhaendler in post Kurzick Title Farming - Ferndale Vanquish Bot
1. thats a bug by the recent update, just use the freshly updated GWA by tjubutsi or mine to solve the problem. otherwise just close and reopen your client 2. never had this problem,...
17:42 - george2324 quoted mhaendler in post headpiece switcher?
#cs ################################# # # # Equip Stuff # # # # by mhaendler # # # ################################# #ce #RequireAdmin #NoTrayIcon #include "GWA2.au3" #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <Arr...
23:18 - Underavelvetmoon quoted mhaendler in post New GWA2 for update on March 23, 2018
Thanks rheek and tjubutsi I took the stuff of you guys and implemented it into a GWA2 File rheekz your GWA2 had some functions missing like, display / clear titles or destroy...

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