EddieV6Junior Member |
Last Activity: 11/02/2021 18:11
05/17/2022 |
20:00 - TrustedDude quoted EddieV6 in post YOUTUBE VIEWS AND SUBSCRIBER Views 1000+
Subs 100+
Hey, If you are still in need I can offer you views for 0.8 € / k and subs for 5 € / k |
11/19/2021 |
18:51 - |
11/02/2021 |
23:24 - price and is this on every account possible or is there a limit?
DM me on Discord. |
21:50 - Deleted Posts |
19:16 - .Finn quoted EddieV6 in post Google Bewertung - e*gold pn me pls
Leider erfüllst du noch nicht die Bedingung von 1 Jahr epvp-Mitgliedschaft. Sry.
Unfortunately, you do not yet meet the 1 year epvp membership requirement. Sry. |
18:12 - Saaja quoted EddieV6 in post Coronavirus How all follow and believe the official stats from the states:wojak:
You are also likely to entrust the state with your money and your life mh
sad world:feelsbadman:
So for the non-... |
17:44 - Deleted Posts |
17:32 - Natsu Dragneel quoted EddieV6 in post YOUTUBE VIEWS AND SUBSCRIBER message me what you can offer me:p
how much? |