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FriendlyFarmer FriendlyFarmer is offline



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  • Last Activity: 08/23/2024 10:38
  • Join Date: 01/08/2019


16:51 - Aimcorp mentioned FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2020
FriendlyFarmer then there is probably a fixed raptor bot aswell ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


17:39 - Zhaiso quoted FriendlyFarmer in post [2021] Guild Wars Working Bots
If it crashes instantly, take the gwa2 from a working bot and use it for the bot you want to use. If it crashes after a specific action, try to figure out which action and comment it out. ...
16:52 - ThR1LL quoted FriendlyFarmer in post [2021] Guild Wars Working Bots
If it crashes instantly, take the gwa2 from a working bot and use it for the bot you want to use. If it crashes after a specific action, try to figure out which action and comment it out. ...
19:51 - AneleClap quoted FriendlyFarmer in post [2021] Guild Wars Working Bots
Maybe try again, but with a working gwa2? You should find one in any of the bots in this thread. And if that doesnt help, downgrade your autoit version, the latest one has some problems. ...
04:41 - me2loveit2 quoted FriendlyFarmer in post [2021] Guild Wars Working Bots
There is no "central" repository for gwa2, nor for any of the bots. Thats why you see 6 different shitty versions of the same bot. The gwa2s are different because everyone keeps on adding sh...
21:39 - uK Cooki3 quoted FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2020
There isn't just 1 gwa2 floating around here. A lot of people have their own, with their own modifications and names. Thats why sometimes you are missing functions or variables when you swit...
18:02 - Ctapioca quoted FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2020
The header (0x51) is correct. If it still crashes, there is something else in your script that is breaking it. If you have more questions, feel free to ask. Dont beg for a fix tho, it's real...
19:37 - AndaraX42 quoted FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2020
There are some functions that don't work with rendering disabled, try using it with rendering enabled and see if it still crashes. thanks for your advice, unfortunately it still happens. ...
13:46 - Sasukewolf quoted FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2020
There are some functions that don't work with rendering disabled, try using it with rendering enabled and see if it still crashes. Tried it but it still DC's while stating "Checking if you ...
21:28 - DerMoench14 quoted FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2020
... I don't think dungeon bots are worth it, the droprate is too low for it to be good money. As for FoW, its only worth it on pantheon weeks, farming the ToC. UW is always a good option I ...
06:32 - Kamyshin quoted FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2020
If see a bot farming something, and you don't know what, just go and check As for question above, if you're good at making ...
13:57 - hard4life quoted FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2020
Instead of asking for a fix, try to solve the issue yourself? You say the bot stops working after entering the explorable, what happens exactly? does the bot crash does gw crash noth...
13:57 - Waka.Waka quoted FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2020
Instead of asking for a fix, try to solve the issue yourself? You say the bot stops working after entering the explorable, what happens exactly? does the bot crash does gw crash noth...
13:20 - azerty8585 quoted FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2020
Assuming you are already at the correct NPC (so not sending packets when not near him) It's either Wrong dialog Id (like Zvend said) You have more unspend kurzick factions than luxon ...
04:50 - Rappy99 quoted FriendlyFarmer in post Need help understanding GetRarity function
The problem is that you are still working with an agent, and not with an item. It's no surprise that your code doesn't work, since you are trying to extract item info from an agent. You have...
05:58 - list comprehension quoted FriendlyFarmer in post Guild Wars 1 Remake
You cant really farm UW with 55HP because Skeletons of Dhuum would just 1shot you. You can still but its super difficult, lucky, and not fun at all. If you do perfect pulls you can wall b...
10:50 - I love rats quoted FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2020
Do you see why the If statements that follow can never be true? Also, make sure your timers are globals. When rendering is disabled, you can only use geteffecttimeremaining to check IF you...
03:47 - Jasy19 quoted FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2020
So I took a quick look at this version. Like I said, changing maps is wo...
13:25 - Jasy19 quoted FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2020
The autoit site is a good place to start learning: The problem with your CoF script is most likely something that is actually broken, for example...
15:55 - sadusten quoted FriendlyFarmer in post Updated GWA2
The answer is literally on this page ^^ See: Either its not there or my eyes sleeping, but cannot find any header about interacting with a npc.. the header thats in the GoNpc function in...
03:20 - GW Devil quoted FriendlyFarmer in post GW Working Bots 2019!
pls read abit before posting & looking foolish Hello guys :D Does anyone have work on the bots ? And any of u got a bot for the lunars event please Thanks ! Last game update broke gwa...

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