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howcouldya howcouldya is offline

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  1. shika0
    04/17/2022 21:41 - permalink


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  • Last Activity: 01/15/2024 03:49
  • Join Date: 10/23/2018


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18:28 - xxxxDiggaxxxx quoted howcouldya in post looking for a private undtc valorant chair
^. too much cancer on here. understand that there is nothing ud you will find. thats it. play legit or move on to another game. Listen to this guy. There is nothing undetected, even if y...
05:58 - qazxc1253 quoted howcouldya in post WTB MULTI SEASON CHALLENGER ACCOUNT
All champs 500ish skins, Original CS riven and Pax jax, ufo corki, king rammus BETA top 500 with the icon S1 Platinum S2 Diamond S3 Diamond S4 Challenger S5 Challenger S6 Chal...
05:58 - Deleted Posts
03:49 - TopBoost quoted howcouldya in post WTB ENCHANTER MAIN ACCOUNT
Looking for an account (any region) that has the following skins; Prestige Cait Prestige Ahri And has high mastery points in any of the below: Ahri, Lux, MF, Cait, Xayah, Ashe, M...
11:04 - Qiao quoted howcouldya in post WTB MULTI SEASON CHALLENGER ACCOUNT
Just S3 chall or S3 Chall and recent chall (s8-s10) as well? just s3
10:48 - Halcyone quoted howcouldya in post [EUW] Beta top 500, Multi-season Challenger | The most complete High Rank Account
Yea OP is mentally handicapped or has been bullied in school over years. Happened to me and a friend aswell. He thinks he's some kind of narcissistic greek god of League of Legends. S...
08:42 - The Smurf Shop quoted howcouldya in post [EUW] Beta top 500, Multi-season Challenger | The most complete High Rank Account
OP is suss as fuck, tried to get in contact with him over a whole week after he reached out to me - to get absolutely 0 response and then blocked. weird. Yea OP is mentally handicappe...
03:28 - Halcyone quoted howcouldya in post WTB MULTI SEASON CHALLENGER ACCOUNT
lmfao fyi i chased this guy for a whole week + and got no response at all until he just removed me. kinda suss. Sorry we're not interested in dealing with you after a quick background...
03:27 - Halcyone quoted howcouldya in post [EUW] Beta top 500, Multi-season Challenger | The most complete High Rank Account
OP is suss as fuck, tried to get in contact with him over a whole week after he reached out to me - to get absolutely 0 response and then blocked. weird. Sorry we're not interested in...
21:09 - Hetkid quoted howcouldya in post WTB Support main account (any server) Diamond +
PM me whatever Diamond + accounts you have, server doesn't matter but has to main ranged support champions. Thanks! i have something really cheap for you hecio7771- skype
20:47 - GameBoost quoted howcouldya in post WTB Support main account (any server) Diamond +
PM me whatever Diamond + accounts you have, server doesn't matter but has to main ranged support champions. Thanks! Add me please.

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