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Last Activity: 01/19/2019 17:54
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01/05/2019 |
18:45 - Katara* quoted gustavo5 in post Dymer Reborn | 80 Cap | CH Only | Activity Based | Where legends are made! I'm not trolling about his level of language because I'm not a native speaker of it, I'm trolling about his stupidity.
I didn't claim that I'm professional, I'm not the CEO of Apple
... |
17:07 - Carillon quoted gustavo5 in post Dymer Reborn | 80 Cap | CH Only | Activity Based | Where legends are made! LOL idiot,
you should be shame of your self, Xeno applied to be a community manager and tried to make deal for silks and I discharged him immediately, and vadsunete69 understood every... |
16:39 - Katara* quoted gustavo5 in post Dymer Reborn | 80 Cap | CH Only | Activity Based | Where legends are made! Whatever you do, whatever you say I will not give you the silks you asked me on discord dude
Keep talking :mofo:
Hey dude it's the GM with you
Actually if you got a prove for ... |
15:05 - Katara* quoted gustavo5 in post Dymer Reborn | 80 Cap | CH Only | Activity Based | Where legends are made! LOL idiot,
you should be shame of your self, Xeno applied to be a community manager and tried to make deal for silks and I discharged him immediately, and vadsunete69 understood ever... |
14:40 - Katara* quoted gustavo5 in post Dymer Reborn | 80 Cap | CH Only | Activity Based | Where legends are made! The server is open now, do not miss it ;)
OMG, you still talking!
you as a Dymer hater I expect everything you could say, you don't even have a prove for your claim, keep talking l... |
01/04/2019 |
13:21 - praya13 quoted gustavo5 in post Dymer Reborn | 80 Cap | CH Only | Activity Based | Where legends are made! Hello jlfbalo,
it its your first time to Dymer, I'd love to tell you that we got a new skill callled master-skill with very high dmg or very unique
you can use in once a day (every 24 ... |
12:55 - jlfbalo quoted gustavo5 in post Dymer Reborn | 80 Cap | CH Only | Activity Based | Where legends are made! Hello jlfbalo,
it its your first time to Dymer, I'd love to tell you that we got a new skill callled master-skill with very high dmg or very unique
you can use in once a day (every 2... |
10:06 - Dermαn ♣ quoted gustavo5 in post Dymer Reborn | 80 Cap | CH Only | Activity Based | Where legends are made! Did you test you IQ before that comment? I Don't think so.
if you claim that you are SRO player you would know that Hammy is has been discharged a year ago, also our developer name is ... |