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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
Sick ban bro. What were you saying about these "legit helpers" again? Lmao. On to the next! PS: I "bought" it so please don't infract me.
hast du evtl steam, falls ja könnt ich dich adden? hab paar fragen zu legithelpers+~
Can also u send-me bloody macro for pubg in amc?
I would be very grateful.
I'm very poor and I cant buy them -
06/25/2017 23:41 - permalink
roboticfeeverSpiele gerne MMOs und FPS Games
10/15/2017 |
15:05 - They have the worst service that I have ever seen.
I bought it in August and it didnt run in my PC. I opened a dispute in paypal. But as they promised to solve the problem in future updates... |
15:05 - Deleted Posts |
05/16/2018 |
20:12 - fujidin quoted This is legit the most bulls*it comment I have ever seen posted below our posts :D
We are undetected since January 2018. No recorded bans with our software or macros. We have multiple hund... |
05/15/2018 |
12:39 - All our R6 macros are up to date, yes.
When you pick a operator you simply activate a specifc hotkey and the weapon you are playing with will have almost no recoil (while still looking leg... |
05/14/2018 |
13:32 - Looking to save some money on your next Legit Helpers license?
Use one of these codes to save 20% on your purchase:
Simply enter t... |
02/18/2018 |
01:51 - Vossik quoted Haha, little do you know :D
If you use that random AHK public stuff, then yes, you will get boosted. I am playing with the legithelpers macros on ESEA and Faceit for almost 10 months now.... |
02/17/2018 |
11:37 - Vossik quoted it's literally impossible to detect the macros. :D
Of course that ESEA/Faceit can detect macros :) |
11/10/2017 |
12:42 - tonight77 quoted https://twitter.com/TheBattlEye/status/918734703183659008
Good luck using these great chinese hacks :D
It doesn't matter, so many game anchor using our hacks.
Our website is under co... |
10/29/2017 |
00:55 - Kimosabi14 quoted I don't really have favorites, I usually play the weapon macros depending on which weapons I find. However, I really like the M16 burst macros, they are excellent.
There is an option calle... |
10/23/2017 |
08:11 - JDG quoted Ich selber habe mich mal mit AHK ganz am Anfang rumprobiert und habe nie so wirklich gute Ergebnisse erzielt (mir fehlt auch dazu das Grundwissen). Habe dann auch mehrfach hier und in einem... |
10/22/2017 |
01:55 - Kimosabi14 quoted I don't really have favorites, I usually play the weapon macros depending on which weapons I find. However, I really like the M16 burst macros, they are excellent.
There is an option called... |
10/20/2017 |
20:40 - azndude171 quoted I don't know how I could explain it more specific^^
You load the crouch macro on a hotkey and set the spacebar as run key. then, before I go into the game, I activated the hotkey. In-game ... |
20:30 - Kimosabi14 quoted I don't know how I could explain it more specific^^
You load the crouch macro on a hotkey and set the spacebar as run key. then, before I go into the game, I activated the hotkey. In-game ... |
14:11 - UniversalScriptMenu quoted All these accounts created in October 2017, giving positive feedback.. haha :D
Looks pretty scammy.
Idk why someone would even buy this, when they get a software with more features + th... |
07/24/2017 |
19:22 - scytheen quoted ich habe die full-auto dinger noch nie probiert vielleicht liegt es auch daran, spiele immer nur single fire macros und ich muss sagen, dass die zu 100% funktionieren. spiele kein game mehr... |
14:44 - Mikytes quoted function OnEvent(event, arg)
OutputLogMessage("event = %s, arg = %d\n", event, arg)
if (event == "PROFILE_ACTIVATED") then
elseif event == "PROFILE_... |
07/20/2017 |
18:14 - darknayt quoted fast single tap and i use macro effects. hope that helps :)
Thanks you for help i think i'm gonna buy it |
17:05 - darknayt quoted For me they are working great. I mostly play the single tap macros for AK, m416 and M16.
Oh okay thanks you , fast single tap ? or just tap and you use macro effect or mouse bloody ? |
13:39 - darknayt quoted i personally never used the "free" macros here on the forum, because some of them didnt work at all or were detected - that's at least what i heared about the ahk macros.
Thanks , but i ... |
07/19/2017 |
00:54 - i play the ak-single-tap, m16-single-tap, m16-burst and m416 single-tap mostly - because i like those weapons the most.
hope that helps ^^
Ok Thanks. And do you switch out the buttons ever... |
07/18/2017 |
17:27 - you can use them with any mouse i believe. you'll get a program and give every macro you wanna use a hotkey.
only cheats/hacks can autodetect what gun you pick up.. and cheats/hacks are ... |
01:53 - It's not fake. I am playing with their macros since almost a month now. I did also buy their csgo macros 4 months ago. no problems and good support.
Thanks for the response! I am probably g... |