04/25/2020 |
02:01 - Deleted Posts |
02:01 - #HB quoted where_love2003 in post Adrenaline Gold | Cap 110 | EU/CH | Balanced Chinese | New Features | Union Survival Website link has been modified to: http://adrenaline-gold.online
Please modify your signatures.
and from where get items and weapon if you are make auto equ last 81 and its sos not moon ... |
03/18/2020 |
14:06 - Deleted Posts |
14:06 - Old_School quoted where_love2003 in post EvxSro-Cap100-Eu-Ch-Pve-China Mastery 400-Grand Open 2-03-2020 website down?
working now
server down because you blocked bot dude
sbot working now |
04:15 - Old_School quoted where_love2003 in post EvxSro-Cap100-Eu-Ch-Pve-China Mastery 400-Grand Open 2-03-2020 what you mean new player get 1k skill
and we need sbot work cause i have 5 cyber cafe and one play this game cause you blocked sbot
i mean new player whos arw will join a. server get pr... |
03:57 - Old_School quoted where_love2003 in post EvxSro-Cap100-Eu-Ch-Pve-China Mastery 400-Grand Open 2-03-2020 server down because you blocked bot dude
mbot working fine !
new player will get 1k silks
this server could have been good if only the first 150 char got at least PC limit to 1 now ever... |
01/04/2018 |
16:22 - 4th and most important i think GM Suffered some shit in ISRO so now he think himself a god, talk to the man about anything and first thing he will say "one talk again and block is you"
th... |
12/25/2017 |
17:03 - nice translation google :D
Google? yeah right!
my vocabularies library is richer than your future homeboy..
that's a native US english
but matterafact i am Egyptian
P.S. the 2nd word ... |
12/24/2017 |
20:59 - why are you sad. Is this because you got the ban?
i tell you if you not like server you can join other game
you need every thing easy just join game pvp
thanks dude
good luck
Lmao!! s... |
12/06/2017 |
13:14 - Update log
Update log
increase Exp / Gold
add avatar by Silk coin
increase Stone/Att
add pet 3 page
Auto equipment D7
what this dude ?
never mind, never mind :D Thinkin... |
12/04/2017 |
21:02 - megaman4999 quoted where_love2003 in post Voltors Online|Cap 80|PVE|CH Only|Old School|Low Rate|Auto Events|Opening 1-12-2017 how you not see it
sry for that and im so blind :( |
03:32 - megaman4999 quoted where_love2003 in post Voltors Online|Cap 80|PVE|CH Only|Old School|Low Rate|Auto Events|Opening 1-12-2017 check topic
i dont see any info about silk per hour or vote4silk to buy things from item mall and you clearly didnt add info about 8d moon so? |
03/04/2017 |
10:01 - Haw many PC limit
how many not haw :D
Yes the lagg is fixed.
Seems like a fun server.
And hwid(pc) limit is 2.
Ctf no working PC limit
PC limit is 2
CTF and Arena not work... |
03/02/2017 |
10:43 - its for sure New Team (GM), old GM was speak rlly rlly sh!!ty english :D Leon can perfect speak English. i think no1 can learn it soo good and perfect in 2 month :D
Give a Try, Leon-Online... |
10:43 - Deleted Posts |
08:32 - hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
after player pay ...... close game
I think you are such a person 'Goofie' :D
any way good luck :D
i... |
06:34 - Deleted Posts |
06:32 - Deleted Posts |
06:32 - I Try all F10 items and scrolls all working
i think its Tyr Sro like it :D
if you want to make a n... |
11/17/2016 |
08:46 - Deleted Posts |