Last Activity: 08/05/2016 19:23
06/19/2016 |
14:51 - P4inful quoted Pn
gold nova 1 to mg1 500 eg?
Pn |
14:51 - Deleted Posts |
06/17/2016 |
22:25 - Οmega quoted Ab 81 wird nicht mehr gezählt
Echt schade
Keine Ahnung, liegt dann wahrscheinlich an yt. Vlt bau ich mal ne Funktion ein, mit der man Proxys verwenden kann.
is this detectable ... |
06/15/2016 |
13:14 - Vapor° quoted you accept egold?
no sorry. |
02:41 - i replied for the pm , i will take a linux one then
just order over the Dataspeex Page:
The PSC Payment is 100% automatic and you ... |
02:34 - i got the psc i need the server on windows can you please?
for Windows you need to buy an Root-Server:
They Start with 4 Cores + 8 GB RAM for 14,90 EUR/Month.
But You have to install Wi... |
02:27 - ok, i will exchange some of my egold to paysafecard then, the first plan is for 0.99€ right?
Yes this is correct.
You will get:
... |
01:47 - hi, do you accepte egold as payement?
at the moment we do not accept e-gold, we only accept PayPal, PaySafeCard and bank transfer.
kind regards,
Dataspeex Team |
06/13/2016 |
23:11 - 300eg pm me if you want or add steam
Messaged you on Steam about it.
Still looking for one via Paypal! PM me or offer here! :mofo::mofo:
07:08 - price on egold / csgo keys case?
Offer me something. Idk the price atm for csgo. |
00:36 - Dynasty! quoted UP
Do you accept paypal? |
06/12/2016 |
18:13 - Frosty-Night quoted 900eg and we have a deal
I'll pass. |
16:12 - 300eg i sell you one pm me if you want
300eGold PM
Just Searching for 275^^ |
06/11/2016 |
19:00 - What is the maximum you would pay?
I don't have a maximum, but i have reasonable prices.
a website like this cost around 200+ €.
are u able to pay that?
Im not looking to ov... |
19:00 - Deleted Posts |
06/08/2016 |
18:44 - cazk quoted Voted
Nächstes mal Screenshot machen |
17:42 - what games are in the accounts? and are the accounts stolen/hacked?
Every Game which you can find on Uplay. Some Accounts got Triple A Games like The Divison and other older Games l... |
06/06/2016 |
22:17 - .Arrow. quoted VORERST GESCHLOSSEN
Hey hiermit eröffne ich mein SteamKeyShop. Es werden immer wieder Keys hinzugefügt. Sie behalten den gleichen Preis von 30 e*gold. Die me... |
10:40 - Sun quoted Could i get one too? ty
When you got one left I would love to have one as well (y)
Can i get one too if still available? Thanks
If you still have one can I please :)
Can ... |
10:40 - Deleted Posts |