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AligatorSniper AligatorSniper is offline

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  1. esominzy
    11/19/2022 22:28 - permalink
  2. ghafer102
    11/16/2022 11:12 - permalink
    where websit ???


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  • Last Activity: 10/13/2024 12:29
  • Join Date: 03/01/2016


21:51 - Tobiline mentioned AligatorSniper in post AligatorSRO REBORN Cap 140 15 Dg Best Server Eazy
AligatorSniper i dont know if you know it but the server is off again ;) but it seems you are still on holiday so you dont know :P
12:45 - Tobiline mentioned AligatorSniper in post AligatorSRO REBORN Cap 140 15 Dg Best Server Eazy
AligatorSniper 1. about silk scrolls from mobs ( i tested it overnight ). i got 50 x 2 and 3 x 50 scrolls. im pretty sure you make drop rate from 50 the lowest 2. this bengossu and deepdev...
14:46 - Tobiline mentioned AligatorSniper in post AligatorSRO REBORN Cap 140 15 Dg Best Server Eazy
AligatorSniper "7 to 10 50 % , 10 to 15 20 % , 15 to 20 10 % , 20 to 30 5 % , 30 to 40 1 %" are this rates with powder prem 30 % and so on ? and do you still increase rates ? because if +...
16:53 - Tobiline mentioned AligatorSniper in post AligatorSRO REBORN Cap 140 15 Dg Best Server Eazy
@AligatorSniper some things 1. can you do more sp exp ? i can barely skill mastery 2. can you do alchemy rates ? because then player know how much + they can try 3. for me the most importan...
19:34 - Tobiline mentioned AligatorSniper in post AligatorSRO REBORN Cap 140 15 Dg Best Server Eazy
AligatorSniper are you sure that +50 is max ? i already saw guys fail to +8
18:15 - Tobiline mentioned AligatorSniper in post AligatorSRO REBORN Cap 140 15 Dg Best Server Eazy
AligatorSniper mate you should come on sometimes. there are people who have questions ^^
10:13 - Tobiline mentioned AligatorSniper in post AligatorSRO REBORN Cap 140 15 Dg Best Server Eazy
AligatorSniper you really need to do a better description about your game. 1. in the shops ( where deg 14 / 15 is there is only armor and weaps craft for 14 deg ). does it mean you can onl...
14:58 - Tobiline mentioned AligatorSniper in post AligatorSRO REBORN Cap 140 15 Dg Best Server Eazy
AligatorSniper if you dont mind i have some suggestions 1. higher stack for pots ( maybe 5 or 10k ) 2. maybe add 130 skills and 4 ch mastery 3. from the beginning 3 inventory pages ( most p...
13:58 - mk115 mentioned AligatorSniper in post AligatorSRO REBORN Cap 140 15 Dg Best Server Eazy
AligatorSniper i change the pw now is ok thank you for your concern.
10:10 - Tobiline mentioned AligatorSniper in post AligatorSRO REBORN Cap 140 15 Dg Best Server Eazy
AligatorSniper i dont get any free silk also i dont understand why this bear wolf uniques seems to be 1 hit. some unique spawned 2 min ago ( as i know they are 140 ) and 3 sec later it was d...
20:18 - Deleted Posts
19:25 - Tobiline mentioned AligatorSniper in post AligatorSRO REBORN Cap 140 15 Dg Best Server Eazy
AligatorSniper my pw doesnt work somehow


14:54 - megaman4999 quoted AligatorSniper in post Aligator | ISRO-R | 90 CAP | Old Job | Integrated Bot | Wheels | Long-term
not your problem , and my language romania new update #! open cap 120 enable drop dg11 / dg12 enable room jupiter drop dg12 / dg11 / stone add some items upgrade , reset point,skills ...
21:28 - -Luffy- quoted AligatorSniper in post Aligator | ISRO-R | 90 CAP | Old Job | Integrated Bot | Wheels | Long-term
Update #1 Scroll Exp Can Trade now Fix f1 slot Fix some bug server have Progresive cap Your English doesn’t match the server information English. Where did you copy it from?
22:26 - leo2111 quoted AligatorSniper in post Aligator | ISRO-R | 90 CAP | Old Job | Integrated Bot | Wheels | Long-term
nice , keep it up!!
11:03 - NorseGodTyr quoted AligatorSniper in post Aligator | ISRO-R | 90 CAP | Old Job | Integrated Bot | Wheels | Long-term
I think it's not your problem again. Easy to change the name. I will do it like this Why are you sad because of his success? normal ^_^ What a success? do you mean downfall of the ser...
22:29 - Goosxc quoted AligatorSniper in post closed alpha testers for pserver
is will help you 100% i trust him he asked for a player only bro =D !
14:17 - Deleted Posts
03:09 - devdash quoted AligatorSniper in post Required remove & reset scrolls please...
im cheack in shardlog no have _addTimedJob thank you anyway my bad..sorry...sro_vt_shard not log SRO_VT_SHARD > Programmability > Stored Procedure > ADDTimedJob
17:38 - devdash quoted AligatorSniper in post Required remove & reset scrolls please...
anyone can explain how to make? where need to put : 1) if(@JobID= '45000')-- SkillID Holy temple remove 2) if(@JobID = '45001') -- SkillID forgot World remove 3) if(@JobID = '45002') --...
17:31 - hoangphan7 quoted AligatorSniper in post Required remove & reset scrolls please...
anyone can explain how to make? where need to put : 1) if(@JobID= '45000')-- SkillID Holy temple remove 2) if(@JobID = '45001') -- SkillID forgot World remove 3) if(@JobID = '45002') --...
13:40 - sapir970 quoted AligatorSniper in post Old Legend SRO | Cap 130 | New Uniques | Active Community | Join us today!
close client and start ! Enjoy best server ! Server is online and fully working! Join us today! Hello everyone !!! Top 10 Modified to TOP 20 have more more chance to bonus 5k don...
18:15 - bajkerok quoted AligatorSniper in post Old Legend SRO | Cap 130 | New Uniques | Active Community | Join us today!
Can u just closed this shity server? Every moths Closed and after 1 months same open? There GM is kids? Per 2018 years 5 times closed and open it, just ha ha ha Server work (every week a 1h...
18:15 - Deleted Posts
13:53 - Deleted Posts
19:14 - eren154 quoted AligatorSniper in post ZEUS SRO Cap 130 14 ~ 15 Dg FULL Uniques DROP
hello everyone today is National day Romanian and all players have bonus 1 premium 30 % enjoy im ask players and server is OPENED and no delete all char only today is BONUS 1 December...
18:41 - *WaTCHMaN* quoted AligatorSniper in post ZEUS SRO Cap 130 14 ~ 15 Dg FULL Uniques DROP
hello everyone today is National day Romanian and all players have bonus 1 premium 30 % enjoy im ask players and server is OPENED and no delete all char only today is BONUS 1 December...
19:20 - *WaTCHMaN* quoted AligatorSniper in post Retribution|Cap130|EU&CH|AutoEvents|Coin based|International|NewFeatures|More Uniques
server is coin based if server coin based . people what will buy with silk ? server offline allredy died? Grand opening 20/11/2016
15:47 - megaman4999 quoted AligatorSniper in post Aligator-Sro | 11D |CH/EU | Job Based | Events | Chest System | Coin System
nice bro <3 me? :D P.S. WTS Nova Ring European for 500mill or WTT For chinese nova ring PM IGN HellORHeaven
11:43 - ahmedemad101 quoted AligatorSniper in post OmegaSro|Cap110|CoinSystem|Play2Win|Ch&Eu/NewSystem
nice bro thanks
15:13 - Deleted Posts
18:24 - Deleted Posts

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