broer can u teach me how to bypass the gameguard in rf online. it says program is closing because of using illegal hacking tools. i cant use my CE please help me
broer can u teach me how to bypass the gameguard in rf online. it says program is closing because of using illegal hacking tools. i cant use my CE please help me..
broer gmn nih RF indo??? damn deh,, ga bisa pake CE WPE... bisa loe akalin gag?? pake permedit gituu,,, gw optimisnya permedit bisa dipake buat GRANT PERMISSION,, tapi gw gag bisa pakenya... mohon bimbingannya @__@
hey, broer... man, I really don't know anything when it comes to hacking and prgoramming but I think u know a lot!
well... I was just hoping to use damage hack in RFO PH but, I can't seem able to follow the supplied instructions in the forum, I was hoping if u can give me a video on how to use it? Well, I'm kind of desperate and I AM begging you... LOL!