MilsetoViva HeadHunters |
Last Activity: 12/06/2024 09:32
03/22/2017 |
09:38 - WeedFrosch mentioned Milseto in post *Uni-SRO*|Beta|D11|CAP110| FGW | Silk/H | Play2Win | AutoEvent Milseto its beta! wt.f :D |
03/13/2024 |
18:14 - Deleted Posts |
18:14 - thedeath145 quoted Milseto in post Cabras Online | 80 CAP | EU-CH | OLD ISRO SYSTEM | OPEN MARKET | G.O 8 MARCH iliked this system to much good work and thnx alot for this team <3 <3
Beta time so fire cant wait friday ;c
This is a good game and a nice server ♥ |
03/08/2024 |
07:40 - Deleted Posts |
07:40 - almohtrf quoted Milseto in post ResidentSRO | 130 CAP | Original SRO-R skills | New System | Weekly $ Rank Rewards omg bro, you check it?
Capture of the fortress - about $1,000 every month will go to guilds for rewards for victory and participation in Capture of the fortress. Not only the winners... |
03/06/2024 |
12:52 - Resident2024 quoted Milseto in post ResidentSRO | 130 CAP | Original SRO-R skills | New System | Weekly $ Rank Rewards а причем тут твичь и форум ? ты не... |
10:45 - Resident2024 quoted Milseto in post ResidentSRO | 130 CAP | Original SRO-R skills | New System | Weekly $ Rank Rewards Уверен что не играл ? или вспомн&... |
03/05/2024 |
20:58 - Resident2024 quoted Milseto in post ResidentSRO | 130 CAP | Original SRO-R skills | New System | Weekly $ Rank Rewards так твой сервек закроется чер
... |
02/18/2024 |
05:31 - RiseAboveYouu quoted Milseto in post Cruel Online | 110Cap | CH/EU | Exclusive Dungeons | Fresh Experience | G.O 19.07 Yeah, I'm trying to play here. I think you've seen the guild I created just for myself for now.
Yep,most of players are TURKS enjoy few hours daily its ok :) |
02/17/2024 |
11:32 - RiseAboveYouu quoted Milseto in post Cruel Online | 110Cap | CH/EU | Exclusive Dungeons | Fresh Experience | G.O 19.07 yoooo loock good im in
Hayyyy,let's play together as old times :P
IGN : Alexia |
02/06/2024 |
12:07 - HyperOS* quoted Milseto in post Cybex Online | CAP140-14th | Play to Earn | New Features | Open Market | Grand 02.02 This server so goood i love
igh Shioret
You're welcome
IGN: Rukyk
Nice server, without lags. LITHUANIA Joining
You're welcome any help pm HyperOS
Cool game my name in ... |
01/31/2024 |
16:35 - Deleted Posts |
16:33 - HyperOS* quoted Milseto in post Cybex Online | CAP140-14th | Play to Earn | New Features | Open Market | Grand 02.02 Finally a nice cap 140 system
I'm in
IGN: ProfessionaL
We are waiting you
What about silk ? only donate and event or ?
We are waiting you
What about silk ? only... |
16:33 - Deleted Posts |
05/21/2023 |
17:55 - Dux* quoted Milseto in post Skoudra Online l Cap 110 l Open Market l Old School l Earn System l Go:12.05.2023 IGN : MyWar
Lets go again! IGN Bibiwolf
Lets goooo
IGN: TH3B4stard_
IGN : __MaRShmellO
very good server !!!
IGN: CodeineX1337
Welcome ingame guys :love: |
12/31/2019 |
23:23 - devdash quoted Milseto in post BlackRobber Online | CH | 100 | S/H | Exquisite Rates | Play 2 Win | 1/1/2020 what bot working here?
All kind of bots, even the clientless working perfectly, even the alchemy ones.
You will see something really unique in BlackRobber Online
14 hours left ... |
12/21/2019 |
05:13 - xRoff quoted Milseto in post Zealot Online [Fanatic] Cap 120 | D12|Jupiter Temple Secrets|Free Silks|GO 22|04|2021 good luck
Thank you mate:)
what time will open the beta for testing?
its already online
;) |
10/28/2019 |
16:03 - xKOUP quoted Milseto in post [Ravin Online] Cap 100 - D10 - CH & EU - Survival - Madness - Job War - G.O 20/8/2019 Sure another Ravin onblin in hotan one person and in dw 2 stop talking dude stol liar
Ok :rolleyes: |
10/27/2019 |
18:21 - xKOUP quoted Milseto in post [Ravin Online] Cap 100 - D10 - CH & EU - Survival - Madness - Job War - G.O 20/8/2019 2-5 player no more
i think you are logged in another server !? :pimp:
Thanks for your comment anyway :handsdown: |
10/25/2019 |
22:24 - mustafacan66 quoted Milseto in post Ria Games | 100 Cap CH | Drop & Coin & Box System | Weird Village Event | And More! where link
Links will be avaible soon . |
09/01/2019 |
08:08 - VORTEX* quoted Milseto in post Mystical | Cap 100 | CH & EU | Unique Hunting Based | New Features & Quests. When betta end?
5 days left for GO |