Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 230
I had an account with the same name that I am on now, but I forgot the password and the email I was registered with and now I made a new account. Can you help me recover this account because it is from 2012?
hi ich bitte um hilfe wurde einfach abgezogen
@Devsome performs double standard in 12sky2 forums.
hello , i need to know how can i change my name
Moin Andy ich möchte jemanden melden der betrügt Leute bietet Accounts an und blockt die habe sämtliche screens hoffe diese Person wird dan gemeldet
hallo muss mann Premium Mitglied Bezahlen
Hello Andiii, I wanted to ask a question today as to why my previous post on the League of Legends and Valorant Black Market were removed? We have 3 successful trades and want to continue building a positive reputation on your forums site. Our discord also has feedback from hundreds of orders. Thank you!
How to post new thread pls??
I cant pm people, cant even pm staff. Help