PassivUserJunior Member |
Last Activity: 12/07/2024 12:02
03/18/2022 |
00:35 - Looking for a duoQ boost on EUW from p4 to p3, make me a fair offer, gaining about 12-15LP atm.
Add me on discord please : Syntax#0857 |
04/22/2019 |
16:19 - Sycotiz quoted PassivUser in post LF duoQ boost on EUW g3-p4 Hey guys,
as the title says, looking for someone who can boost me while duoQ, current in gold3 with 49LP and the goal will be plat4.
30 euro |
15:06 - Hey guys,
as the title says, looking for someone who can boost me while duoQ, current in gold3 with 49LP and the goal will be plat4.
I can do it for 25 euros
Add me on discord: de... |
13:43 - BirkiGOD quoted PassivUser in post LF duoQ boost on EUW g3-p4 Hey guys,
as the title says, looking for someone who can boost me while duoQ, current in gold3 with 49LP and the goal will be plat4.
35 euros
Skype : live:birkiboosting
D... |
13:40 - JayBoosting quoted PassivUser in post LF duoQ boost on EUW g3-p4 Hey guys,
as the title says, looking for someone who can boost me while duoQ, current in gold3 with 49LP and the goal will be plat4.
can do it for 30€
discord: jason.#0443 |
08/17/2017 |
11:50 - I'm looking for a DuoQ boost on EUW, my gain is about 21 LP per win.
Would like to start today.
Your skype sir :) ? |
07/12/2016 |
13:56 - Hatte den Thread beim ersten durchsuchen offensichtlich übersehen.
Dennoch muss man aktzeptieren, das ich eine Möglichkeit darstelle wie man aufgrund der Informationen die mir vorliegen... |
04/04/2016 |
01:18 - TintenKilla quoted PassivUser in post TINTENKILLA'S ELOBOOSTING SERVICE - ☆CHEAP☆ , Fast & Trusted [Over 50 Jobs Done✔] Welcome
I'm TintenKilla, currently a Diamond 3 player and I like to offer you my eloboosting service.
Only boosting on EUW,EUNE,TR,RU
Why me?
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