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forsatus forsatus is offline

C++ coder

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    NosTale, bodybuilding
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  • Join Date: 07/05/2013


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01:06 - WalrossGreat mentioned forsatus in post [BOT] NosBota by WarlossGreat
forsatus What is the vnum of the quest item? Scyra99 This is already implemeted, however I didn't push the update online yet.
14:05 - WalrossGreat mentioned forsatus in post [BOT] NosBota by WarlossGreat
The premium version can't be owned yet forsatus Are you sure the item isn't on blacklist or is on whitelist? Have you tried to select the "Collect group items" and "Collect neutral items"? I just have tested the quest item ...
18:31 - Cryless~ mentioned forsatus in post [Release] NosPacketTools
I remember when DarkyZShadow contacted me. He had no idea how to write such a tool and I taught him Reverse Engineering via screen sharing. forsatus was not yet part of the project and should not have a say. Do not answer him, let the evil out the door.
21:33 - Cryless~ mentioned forsatus in post [BOT] Open source minigames bot (Sawmill and Shooter)
Congratulations, there is no need to say more. forsatus, "No problem should ever have to be solved twice" and PostMessage is more than enough. Also, recall a game function from a parallel thread is not always safe as you can imagin...
19:33 - DarkyZShadow mentioned forsatus in post [Release] NosPacketTools
... could you update your "trading tool" ? it is a bit out of date What is out of date ? how Can I buy premium? Is minigamesbot detected? Come skype and no. PS : @roxas66, forsatus : Stop speak for nothing, thx guys.
07:06 - @LRevolution mentioned forsatus in post NosLess - Headless Client with Minigame and Level Bots
stonatan His bot only has minigames bot, it says level bot is "coming soon" forsatus Pour faire tourner 32 Nostale sur cette merde tu redimensionnes les 32 fenêtres avec un outil To run 32 Nostale on this shit you must resize the 32 windows with a tool
16:12 - Liihes mentioned forsatus in post OpenNos help plz said to me some days ago and hes totally right: There would be a "finished" PServer already, but Epvp is more battleground than release/help area. So on, have a nice day forsatus
00:45 - FI0w mentioned forsatus in post NOSTAYLE
Modificating Client is not allowed too. And its your goal to get a PServer so You dont need to Modify the Client just between. :) So Stop say bullshit forsatus please be silent XD You dont need a Packetlogger that got injected into the Client for get the Packets :) Its give more as 1 way but looks like you dont know it :awesome:
10:52 - WalrossGreat mentioned forsatus in post [BOT] Open source minigames bot (Sawmill and Shooter)
forsatus Show me a pixelsearch bot which can reach 130k points on sawmill minigame. Why you want use asm there? You can use PostMessage from asm call too, but it make no sense, idk if...
20:09 - mauroge mentioned forsatus in post [BOT] NosBota by WarlossGreat
forsatus Keep calm, I know how to read. I just would like to know from Warloss how to use his bot without being banned, like he does. You can also avoid reading my messages if you want...
14:44 - mauroge mentioned forsatus in post [BOT] NosBota by WarlossGreat
forsatus I'm not an expert, but I think that a bot is a program made to "simulate" human actions, not to send "packets that are dangerous to the server". Do you think a gm would lie tw...
11:02 - WalrossGreat mentioned forsatus in post [Q]ice flower bot
forsatus But it spilt every recv packet, doesn't it? Bot that will overwrite only the "in" packet func will be faster
15:29 - WalrossGreat mentioned forsatus in post [Packetlogger]Useful packets list
forsatus It haven't point for me :P. Simple loop on every RevCmd and you got this: [C++] Nostale recv packets - (Easy to copy and alphabetically, but I don't know why som...
15:33 - PiedDeFer mentioned forsatus in post [BOT] NosBota by WarlossGreat
use a translator if you don't understand crap i said the bot need an update but you don't even read --' forsatus: Why it worked this way for me 0_0 wtf i delete what i said before then >.>


16:54 - Limoo quoted forsatus in post Teleport out the map with mage
You can't with the packetlogger but I can tell you that what you're looking for is still possible with another method. How? Changing the map grid? I only tried walking and in the p....
09:09 - 0Lucifer0 quoted forsatus in post How can I block opennos killer?
Stop rage, you have most than 10 exploits only on login server you juste patch 1 minor exploit. you are the only one in that case dude... Btw you just proof that it's fixed... you ju...
08:51 - 0Lucifer0 quoted forsatus in post How can I block opennos killer?
No, it isn't i try 5 minutes ago i tested it and it's fixed... So 2 solution : - you don't know how to use dev branch or - you just lie because OpenNos Killer issue won't work on...
20:17 - Limoo quoted forsatus in post New Form for Packet Logger
With the asm code in c++ it already encrypt/decrypt each packet, you only need to know the basic visual c++. maybe it's possible in VB / C# but on EPVP you can already download a comp...
00:34 - xopy quoted forsatus in post [ASM][c++] problem with asm address
Hi, i got a problem with the variable DWORD when i use asm DWORD dwSendFunction = PathernSendFunc(); DWORD tmp = PathernNetwork(); __asm { MOV EAX, DWORD PTR DS : [tmp] MOV E...
00:28 - FI0w quoted forsatus in post C++ Packetlogger Source
Please, stop post useless "source code" because you're not able to talk with other developper, there is some packetlogger release :rtfm:, you're release is shit, with shit because shit...
23:10 - FI0w quoted forsatus in post C++ Packetlogger Source
You say a non-sens, i think you release it only to "show to EPVP you are able to create a packetlogger with a downloaded source", but it's my opinion. I really don't find any sens int...
22:55 - FI0w quoted forsatus in post C++ Packetlogger Source
Yes but, if nobody are able to compil the sourcecode, you think they're able to use your project ? Form, console is the same, juste use "textbox.text += paquet" instead of "cout << paq...
22:41 - FI0w quoted forsatus in post C++ Packetlogger Source
2,5 years ago... And this source is more or less the same (same detour func) but missing pattern search. Better Source:
20:14 - Pumba98 quoted forsatus in post C++ Packetlogger Source
There is already a packetlogger source ... Doctor release it since few mounth (years ?) 2,5 years ago... And this source is more or less the same (same detour func) but missing p...
17:14 - DarkyZShadow quoted forsatus in post [Release] NosPacketTools
...f NosPacketTools. First, it is not entirely "your work". For those who do not know yet, the first two people to have worked on NosPacketTools were me and Ethnicalnightmare. Forsatus came well afterwards. Moreover, it is me who have called the project "NosPacketTools". I owe you money you say? You owe me so much more. This is the end of the debate. ...
14:24 - ernilos quoted forsatus in post I bandage source of nostale
lol with your english level you can't make a good source. Why to have or not to have a good english skill does have any relation with being able to write a server emulator?
17:24 - Deleted Posts
22:49 - Deleted Posts
23:01 - Deleted Posts
22:46 - Deleted Posts
15:19 - @LRevolution quoted forsatus in post nostale on windows server 2008 / 2012
Don't say shit, you say shit ;) I bot since 4 mounth ago on basic vps. If you know how to make it work, help him ? I see you're just trying to bother me, but you act like a chil...
23:23 - @LRevolution quoted forsatus in post nostale on windows server 2008 / 2012
Don't say shit, you can't play to nostale with directX if you haven't a graphical processor. Don't say shit either, even a server has integrated graphics, he would not be able to pl...
19:22 - roxas66 quoted forsatus in post [Release] NosPacketTools
Juste go out with your rage, i don't care à f*ck of you. the only rage is your's, i dont tell u're bad but u can just stop fingering ur anus because u found open source that u're ...
13:36 - roxas66 quoted forsatus in post [Release] NosPacketTools
I have no account who can start minigame. Mmmm.. but so why are telling me u use it since 6 months less ban...

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