silkroadbotterSenior Member |
03/10/2022 |
18:04 - Deleted Posts |
18:04 - Otakanikaru quoted silkroadbotter in post Dear Silkroad Online players / fans / supporters - read this OMG baby whats ur problem?
are you jealous because you can't make from the files what Baro and his team made from them? or do you just have complexes?
no matter what it is, you should see ... |
03/07/2022 |
08:03 - devdash quoted silkroadbotter in post GM Assign issue It's not supported.. you will need sro_client.exe edits to change [GM] to [GT] for it to be the yellow color
Thanks. But I don't want to edit the sro_client.exe because every time I do, i... |
03/04/2022 |
07:27 - devdash quoted silkroadbotter in post GM Assign issue Set the GM accounts you want to have "sec_primary" and "sec_content" both as "1" in TB_User in the account database.. this will set them as GM account..
if you want the [GM] or whatever in ... |
11/30/2021 |
17:37 - Ahmed0425 quoted silkroadbotter in post Regarding the release of CSROR[iccgame file] files its attention seeking thread, if he was going to release them he would of. even when he asks about releasing something it just comes out encrypted and useless anyway
And what's the point ... |
06/09/2021 |
16:11 - Gannicus* quoted silkroadbotter in post Dymer Online | Cap 100 | CH | Pioneering Innovation | Immense Competition | G.O 11.06 does more bad than good, people start selling items for silk only and you cant buy anything for gold, then you end up having shit tons of people in the server with bulk gold and nothing to s... |
05/30/2021 |
16:56 - xantos1 quoted silkroadbotter in post CSRO-R Webmall zend server proplem did you read "Couldn't connect to server"?
yes i did the settings correctly but still the same |
05/06/2021 |
02:47 - Both your links are broken
done edit links
can you help me to extract it |
03/30/2021 |
06:53 - tusibasu quoted silkroadbotter in post Forever | NoBot | Cap 60 | PVE | No Donation | 13.01.2021 I dont play here so doesnt bother me, but a keypresser is also a form of bot. a bot is a program that performs actions automatically instead of the player, not hard to add auto select and gi... |
06:01 - tusibasu quoted silkroadbotter in post Forever | NoBot | Cap 60 | PVE | No Donation | 13.01.2021 your video is you using a bot, and you say "No bot hand grind"? :mofo:
How am I using bot, can you please make a ticket for ban if I'm using? Or maybe you should learn the difference betwee... |
03/18/2021 |
17:32 - Otakanikaru quoted silkroadbotter in post Should I release them files? This sounds way too good to be true, but i'd say release them. The community is pretty dead already and need's better files out for both developing and getting people's ass off vsro.
I wasn... |
01/30/2021 |
09:40 - nhannd16 quoted silkroadbotter in post [Question][Help]How To Change content in offset or remove them? media\server_dep\silkroad\event
thank you very much, very helpful!!! |
09/04/2020 |
02:38 - |
10/02/2018 |
06:31 - #HB quoted silkroadbotter in post UPDATE TITLE W/O TELEPORT HELP actually, you even asked for help with this sort of thing in your previous thread yet when Zoro.Sro asks for help and gets a proper response you get mad lol..
I don't ask for help at snif... |
01/30/2017 |
17:10 - Deleted Posts |
17:10 - BTW is there a bugg with snow shield, i saw a guy use snow shield B4 he teleported, after he TPed he used it again ? uh ? wut
That's due to the fact its 100 cap and Chinese only. Everyone l... |
16:25 - That's a bad example, any class could be zerk and do alot of damage. spear nukers are glass cannon's.. Good damage, bad defense. Which is why they have snow shield.
No thats just beyond f... |
15:09 - Your not very smart are you? There's plenty of ways to fix that issue, and nerfing snowshield as you suggested is not one of them (not a smart one at least).
Tell me one good nerf, please... |
07/23/2016 |
13:06 - RiseNetwork quoted silkroadbotter in post Levitation | Cap 100 | CH & EU | Innovative Features | A Place To Stay The server isnt online for players, they are doing a stress test. You seriously think the server is 3000/3000? Nope.
true |
12:48 - Malcus quoted silkroadbotter in post Levitation | Cap 100 | CH & EU | Innovative Features | A Place To Stay Retard level, over 9000..
You literally just answered why you can't connect.
[05:52:16] [AUTOLOGIN] Send data to loginserver
[06:19:17] Starting "E:\LVN_Client\sro_client.... |