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YatoDev YatoDev is offline

C# Developer

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 49
  1. dannyhy
    09/20/2015 18:39 - permalink
    ciao, sono interessato al bot. ci sei?
  2. Marspauly
    08/17/2015 22:33 - permalink
    hello I don't know but FSBOT say request error and in a folder he say your profile escuse my english I speak french how can I do to start the fs bot?
  3. covarix
    06/14/2015 17:52 - permalink
    hey habe interesse an deinen webspace server...(4GB) für wie lange könnte ich ihn mieten und für wie viel ?
  4. Xavierbot
    05/07/2015 10:24 - permalink
    Hm, I didn't know. What programming langage are they ? C ?
  5. chrisyou
    04/10/2015 00:12 - permalink
    Der erste Link deiner Signatur ist broken =)
  6. Zetadarus
    01/29/2015 18:27 - permalink
    Yep Epvpv don't notice you when somthing appears on it you should take a look
  7. Zetadarus
    01/29/2015 18:17 - permalink
    Idk if you see the things i post in our social group crated by MrSeychelles , but there is a lot of cool info you will see it .
  8. snow
    09/08/2014 23:32 - permalink
    Grundsätzlich hätte ich auch nichts dagegen, links Decompiler zu sticken, Tensions Decompiler ist mir nur heute ins Auge gesprungen, weil der Source Code dabei ist & Support für AutoIt und AHK vorhanden ist. links Decompiler hat halt scheinbar schon seit längerem kein Update mehr bekommen, grundsätzlich kann ich den aber auch gerne sticken
  9. Lumi
    06/29/2014 23:06 - permalink
    Oha, hat geklappt, vielen Dank. *-*
  10. snow
    02/05/2014 19:11 - permalink
    ah, okay. "wäre ansonsten auch c++ -> Winapi ?!" hat mich irritiert

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  • Last Activity: 10/30/2021 19:40
  • Join Date: 09/02/2012


Showing Friends 1 to 7 of 7


08:40 - Else mentioned YatoDev in post Cheat Coder für CS:S.
Wie wäre es mit YatoDev!?
00:33 - Requi mentioned YatoDev in post C# External Cheat Framework
I've been working on a simple external base for myself since a few days now. Because I have no real use for it, I've decided to release it here and some people may like it or even use...


14:16 - ecks de quoted YatoDev in post Eine auf mich abgestimme Sprache finden?
Wo hast du denn den quatsch her Wollte ich auch sagen .NET Framework wird immer größer und Java entwickelt sich jetzt auch nicht in so eine tolle Richtung. Aber das wäre auch schon...
15:04 - kreetz quoted YatoDev in post Darkorbit Talk II
Should i invest URI in Zeta Gates until i have all drone designs or should i buy Green Keys and get LF4. I Dont get much ee cause i am doing aliens most of the time and it seems like ...
22:26 - epete quoted YatoDev in post [Release] FsBot Lion
Func fn0979() $var1bfd = FileRead(@ScriptDir & "\swf\box2_base.swf") FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\swf\box2.swf") FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\swf\box2.swf", $var1bfd) $var1bfe = StringTr...
22:15 - HighLimits quoted YatoDev in post [CS:GO] FREE CHEAT | UNDETECTED | ChromaCheats
You are not in the position to complain. But anyway, i'll see what i can do. Detected in 12 days after apparently a two year streak+ Valve employees must be all over epvp.
18:09 - Serraniel quoted YatoDev in post 🎉 DOB - PacketBot (c) v5^dev comeback 🎉 🙈🙉🙊
[...] Attacks NPC's which are already under attack That is an known error but should not occure that often from what I know. Regarding the other things you mentioned you may open ...
19:15 - Serraniel quoted YatoDev in post 🎉 DOB - PacketBot (c) v5^dev comeback 🎉 🙈🙉🙊
i see, but i thought about if it has a flash client open like other "packet" bots You need to have flash installed, yes. Serraniel. And it will be free or paid, and when the down...
19:08 - Trulala quoted YatoDev in post 🎉 DOB - PacketBot (c) v5^dev comeback 🎉 🙈🙉🙊
Is this completely client less? You need only this software and browser can stay offline.
01:57 - rotellino quoted YatoDev in post [CS:GO] FREE CHEAT | UNDETECTED | ChromaCheats
ChromaCheats is a first class Premium cheat provider. This Free and Secure cheat will offer you: 🔴 Radar 🔴 Triggerbot 🔴 Bunnyhop &#1...
22:56 - dhewhite quoted YatoDev in post [CS:GO] FREE CHEAT | UNDETECTED | ChromaCheats
you may want to add me on skype We dont have any open payment processes now already had a file from the admin, but my Net Framework 4.6.2 error, cant open it, had to fix it firs...
20:12 - dhewhite quoted YatoDev in post [CS:GO] FREE CHEAT | UNDETECTED | ChromaCheats
Was denn? Wir sind immer noch UD und der free cheat auch. Wir haben aber den download link mal entfernt da aufgrund der großen nachfrage ein risiko besteht das der free cheat de...
11:14 - #Saiirex quoted YatoDev in post 2 GROßE Dateien vergleichen
Dann mach es exakt so wie ich es beschrieben habe. 2 Datei streams wo du immer eine gleiche anzahl an bytes ausließt und diese miteinander vergleichen. Und lies nicht immer nur ...
14:55 - Xio. quoted YatoDev in post VB.NET oder C#
Woher hast du das denn? Pointers.
13:35 - Ludder231 quoted YatoDev in post 2 GROßE Dateien vergleichen
Wenn du nur wissen musst ob die dateien 100% die selben sind dann würde ich mit einem stream die bytes einzeln einlesen und den loop verlassen sobald ein unterschiedliches byte gefund...
14:41 - Ludder231 quoted YatoDev in post await Antwort vom Server(await value change)?
anstatt auf irgendwas zu warten solltest du ein event feuern sobald der wert geändert wurde. Wenn du nur zwischen deiner anwendung und der datenbank synchronisieren musst dann reic...
10:49 - skeith_sk8 quoted YatoDev in post ► DEVELOPERS -DARKORBIT BOT ◄
Why do you use Call() to call the functions? Yes i know that i can also use cloak() instead of the call, but i prefer it, dont ask me why because i dont know it hahahahaha I think th...
08:04 - Deleted Posts
08:19 - pycache quoted YatoDev in post [CS:GO] FREE CHEAT | UNDETECTED | ChromaCheats
It migth be crazy for you but my glow looks quite different. And where is the point? even if i would do the exact same thing it would be fine.... In my opinion, my cheat offers wa...
20:50 - pycache quoted YatoDev in post [CS:GO] FREE CHEAT | UNDETECTED | ChromaCheats is a first class Premium cheat provider. ^ that's what I'm talking about. And with paste I didn't mean you copy-pasted the whole code, just that I could bet that th...
17:20 - Deleted Posts
13:39 - forsakeN! quoted YatoDev in post [CS:GO] FREE CHEAT | UNDETECTED | ChromaCheats
We changed name and domain. And we were not big before. Keep the talk related to this thread! your fakeproof/legitimacy is related to this thread :) why dont u go one step furt...

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