12/20/2018 |
14:14 - |
00:24 - Ayumel quoted sorss in post Returning booster offering cheap and affordable boosts for any elo! Did some vouch games with him... sorry to say, but this guy is supertoxic.
Firstmistake ANYONE makes, he writes 10-20sentences, even blaming me for small things (while i finished ga... |
06/29/2018 |
17:21 - Seller/Trader quoted sorss in post Lf coaching in french Hello,
iam looking for a native french speaker, or someone who can speak it very well.
If you have atleast platin+ and can coach a friend THIS evening, we will have a deal and... |
06/28/2018 |
17:13 - Reason quoted sorss in post cheap D5 account EUW my goal is cheap as possible, so if the account have 200champs, 100skins etc and you want them to be payed, iam not your men^^
Just a small smurf account with 20champs, about 5sk... |
17:00 - ReallyNiceGuy quoted sorss in post cheap D5 account EUW ...ng for a cheap account on diamond 5 EUW.
write your offer, how many champs/skins pls.
Only if unverified, or you have access to the email and we can change!
Hello sorss!
Please, go to my website, select Diamond as rank this season and click the filter "Cheapest first". |
06/12/2018 |
13:48 - testesi quoted sorss in post LF Account with - - Victorious Jarvan - - EUW as title said.
I dont care about anything else, so if the account have 100skins and is d5, is the same for me like unranked with 1skin.
write me your offers
if you wrote that... |
12:20 - nvis quoted sorss in post LF Account with - - Victorious Jarvan - - EUW 120€ is not a deal for me sry. Rly looking way more cheap, since i only look for 1skin
Check my topic |
06/11/2018 |
12:39 - ReallyNiceGuy quoted sorss in post LF Account with - - Victorious Jarvan - - EUW as title said.
I dont care about anything else, so if the account have 100skins and is d5, is the same for me like unranked with 1skin.
write me your offers
Hello, I've got s... |
05/15/2018 |
20:44 - Kitabayashi quoted sorss in post [EUW]10-0WR PLATIN V ACCOUNT UNVERIFIED EMAIL 15.000 IP How you have these stats with lb and ahri while you havent them as champions?
Refunded them |
00:17 - testesi quoted sorss in post LF Account with - - Victorious Jarvan - - EUW as title said.
I dont care about anything else, so if the account have 100skins and is d5, is the same for me like unranked with 1skin.
write me your offers
how much you would ... |
02/03/2017 |
17:01 - Nazgulianor quoted sorss in post Biete 100eGold für kurzen Zeiteinsatz Hey,
ich suche jemanden, welcher ca 10 emails erstellt, sich damit bei einem browserspiel anmeldet und die emails verifiziert.
Dauert ca 1min pro Account, somit knapp 10-15min g... |
16:35 - ✖✖✖BLACKLIST✖✖✖ quoted sorss in post Biete 100eGold für kurzen Zeiteinsatz Hey,
ich suche jemanden, welcher ca 10 emails erstellt, sich damit bei einem browserspiel anmeldet und die emails verifiziert.
Dauert ca 1min pro Account, somit knapp 10-15min g... |