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ahmetcamli ahmetcamli is offline

Hard One

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  1. ahmetcamli
    10/31/2014 19:57 - permalink
    Sorry for closed servers guys, they weren't my servers btw

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  • About ahmetcamli
    Complicated one
    Silkroad, League of Legends, Reading, Science-Fiction, Technology etc


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  • Last Activity: 11/16/2024 19:09
  • Join Date: 08/16/2012


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15:59 - Ziach quoted ahmetcamli in post Cronos Online | 100 CAP/CH | Continuous innovation | GO 12.08
Keep hwid 1 no need more ... agree
19:46 - hexcode quoted ahmetcamli in post Warriors Way Online - Invictus | Non Bot | Cap 100 | Eu & Ch | Quest Based| Long Term
After resisting long time i think ima gonna join dis awesome server :) downloading atm ^^ Welcome to WWO ahmetcamli. I suggest you to join our Discord channel. Regards
01:49 - abdo20102192 quoted ahmetcamli in post good game
your topic name is fake it says 01.07 release -.- nice game
13:05 - Peresta quoted ahmetcamli in post Global Silkroad - 80 Cap - Isro System - 1x Rate - Old Days - 04.07.2020
try your own link and see. i click on website and it says website is down. fck off i dont care dude. i would join when your website works. but dont work. maybe for u it works. but not ...
13:05 - Deleted Posts
02:34 - Nario7 quoted ahmetcamli in post REDUX | Cap 110 | Old School | Long term | Play2win | GO 02-April-2021
your topic name is fake it says 01.07 release -.- I mean that I will update the topic on the first day of this month So it is open July 3rd, 2020. This whole backwards date is very con...
17:18 - xGandolfx quoted ahmetcamli in post MARVS Online | 100 CAP - CH ONLY - LONG TERM - REAL PLAY TO WIN SYSTEM - G.O 1-7-2020
Tested Beta and I waiting for Grand Opening best server Ever Thanks IGN: Zirael Thanks Cap 100 CH is one o...
14:25 - develmax quoted ahmetcamli in post MY ROAD | CAP 80 | 2008 |LOW RATES | NO SHITTY EDITS | ONLY GOLD CURRENCY | G.O 30/6
after i've seen GM announce ' there will be unique event at JG south ' after i login the server the server is finished for me too. xD thats an automatic event testing and they announc...
14:12 - develmax quoted ahmetcamli in post MY ROAD | CAP 80 | 2008 |LOW RATES | NO SHITTY EDITS | ONLY GOLD CURRENCY | G.O 30/6
your client is fully infected with trojans. good luck. they updated the client to new one with unpacked exes
04:59 - MeGaMaX quoted ahmetcamli in post Sailor Online | ISROR | CAP 140 | NEW Job Temple | ISRO Wheels | Old Job | Ingame-Bot
from now i stopped playing, gave all my items to random low levels in hotan and clicked exit forever it was good and enjoyable until last updates, i'll talk about some of, here we go b...
20:50 - Miliodas quoted ahmetcamli in post ZIRCON ONLINE | 110 CAP | OLD SCHOOL | LONG TERM | Original SYSTEM | GO 09.08.2024
for signature event ign: Undead Welcome with us <3 Hello Zircon WARRIORS! Open Beta ends in 60 minus, thank you everyone for helping us test everything, we really appreciate that. &#98...
23:28 - Abunavha quoted ahmetcamli in post Rexa Online 90 Cap Only CH | Drop System | Job Cave | FGW | 17 April 2020
some ppl likes low rates, i ll give him a try cya tomorro I'm not saying that the rates are high???
00:43 - Kirito❤️ quoted ahmetcamli in post Excalibur Online | 10th Degree | Eu&Ch | Command Economy | Daily Quests | G.O 10/04
removing astral will also remove the pay to win factor and its unnecessary anyways. if you want a stable server, remove every pay to win factor, thats just how it is. +1+1+1 Astr...
16:44 - Deleted Posts
15:40 - ArianaR quoted ahmetcamli in post Silkroad Royale | 90 Cap EU - CH | Battle Royale | iSro Rates | Play2win
12:39 - ArianaR quoted ahmetcamli in post Silkroad Royale | 90 Cap EU - CH | Battle Royale | iSro Rates | Play2win
i used to use maxicard for silks and it took only 2 minutes total ^^ Yes thats faster for sure. You should have spent more time on advertisements, gl. We will :)
13:50 - ArianaR quoted ahmetcamli in post Silkroad Royale | 90 Cap EU - CH | Battle Royale | iSro Rates | Play2win
i wonder if i buy silk with maxicard whats the silk prices in TRY, can you DM me? You can buy with maxicard for sure, there is details on our forum address , also added to Discord cha...
17:22 - Katara* quoted ahmetcamli in post Venom Online | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Incredible Activity| Long-term | G.O 06.09
servers discord invite not working
16:14 - Katara* quoted ahmetcamli in post Venom Online | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Incredible Activity| Long-term | G.O 06.09
i've missed the emotion of HYPE :reeee: POOOOOOOOOOG
15:02 - B1Q quoted ahmetcamli in post Venom Online | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Incredible Activity| Long-term | G.O 06.09
bro i know you and had played ur own server which unfortunately didn't go popular and i still don't know why (cuz ur server had really good system), now i will join Venom only because of...

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