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kwdntk kwdntk is offline

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  1. abdosaadeh
    02/19/2019 00:34 - permalink
    welcome you can give me name discord
  2. kwdntk
    01/27/2013 22:06 - permalink


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09:44 - Zemunasu quoted kwdntk in post S4 Global : Tooling
Who said it has to be client side? well I meant the server handles it now, so good luck editing xbn files from your client xbn loader
08:44 - Anja Mielbrecht quoted kwdntk in post ..
no one wants to post in a dead section ^^ He did :v
14:31 - jeff5673 quoted kwdntk in post [Release] Resource check bypass
weapon.lua doesnt work not weapon i try default.itemx7 would be nice if anybody can make little tutorial or something explain so, and how to use with Pinkis resource tool will be...
16:00 - L33ched quoted kwdntk in post [Release] Resource check bypass
So u think there is malicious code in his scripts? He might change it later since he is spamming threads and comments for fame :lul:
14:07 - Micracoli quoted kwdntk in post [Release] Resource check bypass
well he said pinki's fnr tool in general xde I think thats he mean with it
13:16 - Micracoli quoted kwdntk in post [Release] Resource check bypass
Can i make weapon.lua work with this? I think yes because he said it
12:58 - Micracoli quoted kwdntk in post [Momentum] Resource check bypass ?
doesnt crash but tool doesnt load neither so xd.. Same problem dont crash at loading screen but my weapons are not changed
18:53 - 0N1K4G3 quoted kwdntk in post [Release] S4L Ingame Trainer & Loading Screen Bypass
I have already a res chekc bypass with manual hash update xd.. but the point is :is ur bypass or that BE one u quoted from another post gonna be somehow useful for my resource one? T...
15:10 - 0N1K4G3 quoted kwdntk in post [Release] S4L Ingame Trainer & Loading Screen Bypass
Bypass doesnt work; it cant find the process. PD: can i use fnr tool with that? 1- Its not resource bypass 2- You must use battleye bypass before using my tools
17:48 - Bench quoted kwdntk in post S4 League Hacking - Support
What do those values mean? And what are those 2 statements exactly? STATE:SetHitStop( 350, 550 ); STATE:InitLua( 400, 500, 40, true ); Those are extracted fro...
15:31 - 0N1K4G3 quoted kwdntk in post [Release] Resource Check Bypass
ik but the features i asked for are done in the resource file, and since u are turkmusun maybe u pro hacker and can tell us how to set votekick as insta td xD.... i dun understand...
16:03 - 0N1K4G3 quoted kwdntk in post [Release] Resource Check Bypass
How to put insta td, kick enemy team etc...? xD its only resource check bypass.
13:39 - prolxl quoted kwdntk in post [Release] Multiclient
Could you explain that a bit more? If those processes do not affect the game perf., aren't they supposed to be "light" enough not to do anything overloading for our hardware? I mean,...
21:03 - TheMokkо quoted kwdntk in post [Release] ResourceCheck Bypass
You should edit that so new people won't get confused xD... this was the newest update...
09:55 - vaqif.azeri.2000 quoted kwdntk in post [Release] ResourceCheck Bypass
Next gen of retardness xdd You are very funny ;P:)
03:36 - alloy quoted kwdntk in post [Release] Buy Perm Hairs
works with faces? Answer: Hi, with this you can buy the Pen Hairs :rtfm:

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