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Last Activity: 12/05/2021 03:40
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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
Willste den fb jetzt oder nicht? Pn mich mal oder sl
06/19/2015 13:36 - permalinkfenix19075Ciao sei italiano? Se vuoi ho un account da vendere con fb 190 su red moon con transfer lo puoi portare dove vuoi
01/30/2021 |
22:33 - Mirsad1997 quoted Marco1555 in post Cabal ONE - Medium Rate Server As i said, dungeons which other server‘s has for long time and nothing special :wat:
Ok we realised u got banned give up no1 gives fuck for your opinion,go play other server and leav... |
01/27/2021 |
21:00 - Dêáthwátchx quoted Marco1555 in post Cabal ONE - Medium Rate Server As i said already. Your attidude here only shows your bad behaviour which got reported so many times.
It only shows me that banning you was the right decision.
We got a running ... |
19:25 - Dêáthwátchx quoted Marco1555 in post Cabal ONE - Medium Rate Server Just to classfiy this for any further Players.
The following player got banned because of progressive and ongoing Insults and miss behaviour against Staff Team and whole Community.
... |
08/01/2019 |
15:46 - Code Blank quoted Marco1555 in post CABAL CODEZERO - RELOADED i think so too. they had for sure 100+ online in may~.
We decided to change how the server game play works.. Since most of new players are having a hard time learning our game play..... |
05/16/2019 |
02:48 - jesusmaria1122 quoted Marco1555 in post Netflix UHD Abo 6/12 Monate Account Sharing ist das nicht verboten ? :awesome:
Netflix, Spotify, sowie jeder Streaming Dienst untersagt das Sharen von Accounts in den AGBs, aber gesetzlich ist es nicht verboten. Und man kann ja ... |
05/15/2019 |
21:11 - DrackenDarck quoted Marco1555 in post Netflix UHD Abo 6/12 Monate Account Sharing ist das nicht verboten ? :awesome:
so kann man auch zu geld kommen ;) schön faked accounts sellen
ich würde die accounts nicht mit eurer provider ip nutzen
legal erworben sind die ni... |
04/13/2019 |
10:07 - griDoso97 quoted Marco1555 in post WTB> Cabal RED alz did you find anyone already? :D:D
wow sir police is here :bandit:
Cabal Red owner just want donation from New players. They can't accept trading by players. What a person ... |
03/11/2019 |
19:23 - Burhan616 quoted Marco1555 in post Whats the most best and populated Cabal P. Server now? [B]seriously tidus you can't find out which server is populated by searching on xtremetop100 or looking on their facebook page.
my friend told me cabal red is populated and fun to play... |
06/25/2018 |
23:34 - Sinvil quoted Marco1555 in post Cabal CodeZero - Play to Earn $ can't believe that there are 250 players online daily. :)
Yeah it is insane to see a server doing this well ^^
Check out their facebook they have a ton of videos and screenshots of re... |
02/14/2018 |
19:20 - i can't imagine that it is very populated.
they are at rank 1 since years just bcs of vote bots.
or am i wrong and AK is rly populated?
Voting bots, server isn't really populated, Staf... |
11/13/2017 |
10:14 - Burhan616 quoted Marco1555 in post Awakened Cabal how much players are online here?!
Around 100 daily |
10/29/2017 |
23:52 - SMT2008 quoted Marco1555 in post Cabal online installieren wow ein SMT
:D |
09/19/2017 |
11:59 - ![]() or just don't hack and you dont need to do such shiet.
no one do shit here. that antihack design to detect any memory writing on cabalmain or make any change on cabalmain. if u just ru... |
04/20/2017 |
03:02 - xNightSaber quoted Marco1555 in post [Unique] Evil Empire - Cabal whats the matter ? you can register on the website..
The new update contained really hardcore features. but with the new event it's fun. you can farm new dungeons while event and old... |
04/13/2017 |
20:21 - SMT2008 quoted Marco1555 in post LEGENDZ CABAL wow tim:handsdown:
was geht ?:D zockst noch ? MeSoStornk |
01/26/2017 |
00:46 - |
00:34 - Deleted Posts |
12/23/2016 |
12:58 - Deleted Posts |
12/19/2016 |
17:27 - NUtellafreak96 quoted Marco1555 in post PServer / GM info Bei deinem aktuellen Wissensstand, brauchst du ins Detail formulierte Schritt für Schritt Anleitungen..
Ist es denn so kompliziert? UNd woher weißt du meinen Wissensstand? Zudem war ... |
12/05/2016 |
22:59 - actually u could only play beast.
Beast is quite boring, no updates and the population is dying there lol.
Someone really needs to break the mold with all these shit low/mid rate serv... |