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Xantek1985 Xantek1985 is offline

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  1. Jimmy*
    07/17/2013 00:35 - permalink
    Hey Dude Can you tell me inferno's ip/ver. port ?! please

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  • Last Activity: 09/07/2024 15:02
  • Join Date: 10/24/2011


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16:19 - zilviuz quoted Xantek1985 in post OldSchool | CAP 100 | EU/CH | Open Market | INSTANT CASH WITHDRAWAL | GO 26.01.2024
didn't played beta does this server gona be a good long term with decent rates or another fast pace max lvl gear in first week ? cuz can't find any proper server in these days :) Hello,...
17:52 - Spitze.. quoted Xantek1985 in post Spitze Reborn | 100 Cap | CH | Job Based | Exclusive Features | Opening 15.3.2018
nice already ddosing in first minute of opening hahahah this is so pathetic wtf im getting dc every second im logging in ... Fix server not online? Server Online nice start :DD Se...
17:19 - megaman4999 quoted Xantek1985 in post SocietySRO || Cap 90 | LongTerm | iSRO Style (not overedited) | Job based
u are about to leave beacouse of 1 fking skill which chine don't have omfg so many ppl are fcktarded in this times... then enjoy getting fully debuffed by a euro when theres no chance...
12:07 - lilfreak1992 quoted Xantek1985 in post SocietySRO || Cap 90 | LongTerm | iSRO Style (not overedited) | Job based
FCK FCK FCK FCK FCK FCK FCK! :mofo: can't wait :) 6 hours left Sweet, couple of us from the UK gonna join, bring on this evening! AWESOME
11:39 - tschulian quoted Xantek1985 in post SocietySRO || Cap 90 | LongTerm | iSRO Style (not overedited) | Job based
06:46 - lilfreak1992 quoted Xantek1985 in post SocietySRO || Cap 90 | LongTerm | iSRO Style (not overedited) | Job based
I tried to create a merchant alias but it said "Name already exists. Choose another name" for every alias I tried. Even for random aliases like "dasd124qwsdas". Is the job system not act...
06:46 - Deleted Posts
03:30 - megaman4999 quoted Xantek1985 in post SocietySRO || Cap 90 | LongTerm | iSRO Style (not overedited) | Job based
if alchemy gona be that easy im out ... it wont be easy during grand open LOL
16:31 - Deleted Posts
22:35 - lilfreak1992 quoted Xantek1985 in post SocietySRO || Cap 90 | LongTerm | iSRO Style (not overedited) | Job based
tschulian A little bit hard to answer... As far as we are on a beta with boosted XP and using a Prem+ I did not had any troubles based on XP/SP so far and overjumped some quest. To give...
22:35 - Deleted Posts
20:07 - jakiro0 quoted Xantek1985 in post Ram-Sro - 90 Cap - Chn only - Job focused - No Donations - Gold Based
bug bug bug bugs everywhere maybe post ur bugs here
20:57 - NaniChirGelair quoted Xantek1985 in post Ram-Sro - 90 Cap - Chn only - Job focused - No Donations - Gold Based
i undurstand what about goal to get end game gear its only possible by trading or still can drop sox 9d aswel.. ? and can i have discord addreS? you cannot drop sox, just regular item...
17:22 - JarvisG12 quoted Xantek1985 in post Ram-Sro - 90 Cap - Chn only - Job focused - No Donations - Gold Based
maybe i will joing just played on beta bit im curious if there's any changes with rate drop etc and all bug are fixed hopefully can wee get any info about changes ? and what exactly the...
10:54 - moustalinen quoted Xantek1985 in post Welco...Evergreen Online l Adventures of Roc mountain l 1x exp l 2x quest l Exp based
GM please do something with spawn mobs cuz it looks like u did nothing with it the mob spawn is fking silly of blue spider/white faced spider/big blue spider/big white spider/ishade/hash...
19:25 -
17:16 - Deleted Posts
15:47 - manoo92 quoted Xantek1985 in post Welco...Evergreen Online l Adventures of Roc mountain l 1x exp l 2x quest l Exp based
i got a question to GM are u gona do something with ppl who doing 24/7 trading on bot beacouse its starting to be unfair as they lvling main char and doing 24/7 trade to gather money ......
15:38 - Iillminetor quoted Xantek1985 in post Welco...Evergreen Online l Adventures of Roc mountain l 1x exp l 2x quest l Exp based
i got a question to GM are u gona do something with ppl who doing 24/7 trading on bot beacouse its starting to be unfair as they lvling main char and doing 24/7 trade to gather money ......
09:59 - WannaSun quoted Xantek1985 in post Welco...Evergreen Online l Adventures of Roc mountain l 1x exp l 2x quest l Exp based
ok.... but look quests at 30-40 lvl gives around 1k-1.5k and the ones at 40-50 gives 900k quests 50-60 gives 2k is that normal?? when u need aloooot more xp per lvl ? lets say quest ...

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