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elmarcia elmarcia is offline

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  1. ZarneXxX
    04/04/2020 12:35 - permalink
    Do you have Discord?
  2. way_vs
    02/27/2020 17:34 - permalink
    i send you an private message
  3. wshbr
    01/28/2019 11:15 - permalink
    i send you an private message
  4. elmarcia
    05/19/2013 02:07 - permalink
    Not working anymore sorry
  5. shehroz siddiqui
    05/17/2013 18:39 - permalink
    shehroz siddiqui
    Password of Bypass HackShield ?
  6. pinekkryy
    01/19/2013 15:43 - permalink


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  • Last Activity: 06/29/2023 19:03
  • Join Date: 04/24/2011


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20:12 - emmoplayer mentioned elmarcia in post Eine URL mit Hilfe von GridFS DownloadToStream ersetzen
elmarcia I'm working without a special framework. As a third option, this will forward the stream without needing to store in disk. Thanks!
14:08 - emmoplayer mentioned elmarcia in post Eine URL mit Hilfe von GridFS DownloadToStream ersetzen
Hey elmarcia. Thank you for your efforts to explain both ways. I took the second solution because the files could be really big.


07:40 - erudite quoted elmarcia in post Weird CE behavior; P -> ???
Try switching between debuggers: My guess is that the inyected debugger is messing with memory map, but its a guess Or Update/DownGrade Cheat Engine, maybe its a bug I thoug...
07:39 - AcTiViSioN911 quoted elmarcia in post Working with DMA - PCIe Screamer
Cheat engine filter writable/readable memory regions to speed up the process and use multithreading for scans so its even faster. Thanks a lot for the tips, I really have a lot to ch...
00:02 - M4heS quoted elmarcia in post Need help with opening file
Which version of bloody are you using, and what limitations did you have? Files are encrypted, so its important that bloody version match your file in order to decrypt it. I'm usin...
19:15 - LepEatWorld quoted elmarcia in post Some Extraction Help?
The way to go is attach debuger to game and find decryption key. This is based on ziparc, my guess is the game is based too in that library, but you never know, you need to find it ...
01:45 - LepEatWorld quoted elmarcia in post Some Extraction Help?
Please upload your iop file, the one provided is the tool for extraction. Extraction tools works with file version, if file is a version higher of extractor won't work, but those index...
10:07 -
12:24 - fryså quoted elmarcia in post Need help for Discord-Bot
Is the website yours? If so, you first need to create your hook in your backend, whenever a request is made, forward it to your bot service and send message to channel or dm. unfort...
04:42 - Deleted Posts
20:05 - ThePurpleCow quoted elmarcia in post Your first cheat
Prologue Hi there, my first coding experience started in trying to develop cheats, it was like 10 years ago that my journey started. In that time my coding skills were awful, still a...
16:30 - 2gatz quoted elmarcia in post Looking for devlopers
Imagine hiring devs with a site that doesn't even work That is not my site and it works just fine maybe it was down when you looked at it not sure
15:52 - MrSn0w quoted elmarcia in post Hooking
I will explain what [] means so you can get a hint of what is going wrong. In assembly you use registers to perform operations most of the time, the [] means go to the address locat...
04:26 - evandrix quoted elmarcia in post [Release] Archero's items hack source code
Hi, i was bored the other day and made a hack for archero, but since this hack allows u to get any item u want in the game i won't play anymore so i can share with someone that is inte...
14:35 - Melli- quoted elmarcia in post Cheat Engine, C#, THREADSTACK0
Don't know much about it, but some urls should help you find your way out. ThreadStack0 in CE Old CE thread about threadStack The git you share is for 32 bit process, if you are uss...
13:03 - Mad0ck quoted elmarcia in post FrontEnd - Backend Trennung [Python]
1)You change the proxy endpoints to whatever you want and forward the request to the game to get data. (Your gui consumes the proxyapi) 2) Flask creates a loop, when you run the scr...
20:20 - Mad0ck quoted elmarcia in post FrontEnd - Backend Trennung [Python]
So u want a proxy api for your gui, you can use Flask for that from flask import request,Response from flask_api import FlaskAPI, exceptions import requests ...
09:40 - Eule quoted elmarcia in post need help with C# System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show
Just use MessageBoxTimeout API from windows... [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=true)] static extern int MessageBoxTimeout(IntPtr hwnd, String text, String title, uint type, I...
11:13 - 0xFADED quoted elmarcia in post Python-Help needed
u will find out that you can specify a separator char Read the question again elmarcia. OP specifically asked for a solution that treats punctuation like it was enclosed in whitespace. Split is not enough here, it will yield the false ["string,"] result where...
18:34 - False quoted elmarcia in post e*pvp Login (?)
U cannot use http for login anymore, epvp is now secured with ssl. Cannot find any example of ssl in vb, but maybe this one helps
05:43 - greenisalsoblue quoted elmarcia in post mouse not clicking in game screen
I think black desert has antihack, so sendmessage / postmessage may be hooked. I know some devs created some bots in The black desert sub forum. I just want literally even a singl...
11:39 - Deleted Posts

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