Hi, i am looking to buy cheap riot points on EUW, since the new "Your Shop" offers a lot of nice skins.
Whats your price?
Kind regards
Hello! I have got an account wi...
Hi, i am looking to buy cheap riot points on EUW, since the new "Your Shop" offers a lot of nice skins.
Whats your price?
Kind regards
Whats your budget and discord?
Hey guys,
I am looking for an account to play on.
My peak was Dia4 in the last season in Soloq, Dia1 in Flexq, and Master in 3v3.
I can't retrieve my old account and ne...
Hey Leute, wurde gestern Vac-banned auf meinem Steam Account und kann daher nicht mehr richtig CS:GO spielen.
Will das jetzt nicht relativieren aber im Gegensatz zu anderen Hacke...