03/17/2021 |
14:10 - megaman4999 mentioned Alberto$ in post DuckRoad | Cap 110 | Eu&Ch | Long-Term | New Concept ...n whether it is really the real owner or not.
Original Topic & Owner enough proof?
and if you try to read the comments made by spidy on page4, you can see his respond when Alberto$ tried to do advertising with this name without premission |
03/25/2019 |
04:00 - notHype* mentioned Alberto$ in post Spectre Reborn | The Realistic Fiction | New Events & Dungeons | Cap 100 - CH ...emain in Donwhang for the sake of convenience. The clientless / crash issue has been fixed. It was not due to crowding. I recommend you try to navigate in DW again.
badrFoda Alberto$ Thank you! Hope to see you in game! |
01/04/2020 |
17:59 - Deleted Posts |
12/30/2019 |
17:41 - megaman4999 quoted Alberto$ in post D.R ONLINE | 11 DEGREE | CH & EU | OLD SCHOOL | FREE SILK | G.O 03/01 ⚡️Fortress War Event ⚡️
Gather your friends and make a guild, join our BETA FW Event which will take a place 01/01/2020 19:30 GMT +2, the winner guild each m... |
12/24/2019 |
21:44 - Deleted Posts |
08/20/2019 |
15:16 - Comanche* quoted Alberto$ in post Rebellion Online | 100 CH/EU | High Competition | Insane Activity | G.O. 30 August Gut gemacht
Danke Kumpel! |
06/17/2019 |
10:44 - KoKsPfLaNzE quoted Alberto$ in post D.R ONLINE | 11DG | 110 | CH & EU | HIGH RATES | FREE SILK | G.O 14.06
you use my page, so please stay with my copyright........ |
05/16/2019 |
01:30 - megaman4999 quoted Alberto$ in post D.R ONLINE | 11DG | 110 | CH & EU | HIGH RATES | FREE SILK | G.O 14.06 Hello everyone, we are sadly announcing the close of DuckRoad, we kept our promises and we kept the server online till the last 5 online players for over 5 months now!
The new season ... |
05/15/2019 |
13:27 - Deleted Posts |
06:17 - rev-sro quoted Alberto$ in post [Re-Opening] Rev-SRO Cap 110 (Old School - Silk Per Hour - Play2Win ) GL
Thanks alot dude |
05/13/2019 |
20:38 - Deleted Posts |
04/03/2019 |
12:25 - Deleted Posts |
12:25 - !Apple quoted Alberto$ in post VENIX ONLINE| CAP 80 | CHINESE ONLY | EXTENDING THE GLORY | GO 05/04 I think the sun system should be more difficult, and earlier it would be feasible to assign other types of lower sox.
Sun is already hard, you need 10x sun items. that's not easy
Good... |
03/07/2019 |
07:34 - HypnosĄ quoted Alberto$ in post VENIX ONLINE| CAP 80 | CHINESE ONLY | EXTENDING THE GLORY | GO 05/04 good luck to you guys :feelsgoodman:
Thank you mate ;)
Thanks Albert ♥ |
03/05/2019 |
14:20 - GL
Thank, you buddy. |
03/03/2019 |
23:07 - Deleted Posts |
23:07 - *C0RE quoted Alberto$ in post [FalconGaming] LycanSRO | SilkPerHour | 11D 110Cap | Mid-High rates! well, it looks promising and fun but how exactly can you get prem silk in-game?
There is no way to get prem-silk ingame. But the items you buy with prem silk can be obtained in game... |
02/23/2019 |
13:24 - TitanPro quoted Alberto$ in post QueenSRO | 6 years Online | PvP Based | Real money economic system Great server, been playing here since a couple months after the server was released. I frequently leave for work/university studies every here and there and have not lost any of my ite... |
13:24 - Deleted Posts |
01/23/2019 |
14:22 - Deleted Posts |
14:22 - tupcufiko quoted Alberto$ in post Zeal Online | CAP 110 | Exquisite Rates | Play 2 Win | 18/01/2019 Zeal fail server its pure pay2win 100% this server will not even last for 1month :D :D :D
So basically 0 auto events and no way to get silks from ingame activity ?
I wan... |
01/16/2019 |
19:38 - I'm in, be there too :)
A cool team awaits you here:)
Signature Event ING: Wasy
Celestius | Cap 100 | CHN | Reworked Fortress War | Grand Opening 18/01/2019! |