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zerogott zerogott is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21
  1. Yoobinxie
    09/21/2024 19:37 - permalink
    can for midman?
  2. PKeng
    04/27/2024 10:58 - permalink
    bist du eigentlich wirklich ein Gott?^^
  3. cypher
    06/14/2023 21:41 - permalink
    Danke für den Ping. Ist geklärt.
  4. Gipha
    11/16/2022 16:57 - permalink
    Huhu, nene die Regelung betrifft bei Discord nur die Server.
    Seinen Discord Namen kann man posten wie man möchte
  5. DarkOPM
    06/18/2018 20:11 - permalink

    ich habe den Chit Chat zu Realm Royal wieder gelöscht, da es aktuell noch zu früh für einen solchen Thread ist.

    Gruß Dark
  6. HolzNudel
    04/28/2015 17:25 - permalink
    add mich in skype
  7. Hype
    04/30/2014 02:30 - permalink
    Das Verkaufen von Informationen ist immernoch verboten (Wegen deiner Unsicherheit im e*gold Support)
  8. Shiratu
    11/14/2013 22:00 - permalink
    Werd ich Morgen machen.
  9. Shiratu
    11/14/2013 21:53 - permalink
  10. Sleyc
    11/02/2013 21:29 - permalink
    Ich versteh dein Problem nicht, ich helf einfach, wenn du damit ein Problem hast, ist mir doch egal, sry wenn ich Leute helfe

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  • Last Activity: Today 00:04
  • Join Date: 09/26/2010


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10:02 - Luke mentioned zerogott in post Revision of the Feedback and Disput System
...hout an initial trade request would render the rating system useless. Restrict Off-Site Communication Too easy to bypass, this would also kill the user experience. I know zerogott's words are quite harsh, but it is the truth, using our trade tools filters most scammers, being new is no excuse to not using them.
12:03 - qu1ncey mentioned zerogott in post 📌 [OG SEASON SALE] GPX | Tournament Ready ✔️ | Spoofer Included 🖥️ | New Season 🔮
...going all the way back to 2022? The different Media Uploads accounts are also all Fake. Everyone of these Accounts is using a AI generated Profile Picture. Obv scam. Dear zerogott, Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns about the GPX Fortnite product. We understand your frustration and would like to clarify some points regard...
15:53 - Phlogiston mentioned zerogott in post Die Idee der vielen Geschlechter
Sind eigentlich schon wieder Ferien? Du, sag Mal... Hast du dir das alles Wort für Wort durchgelesen? zerogott, ich habe meinen Beitrag nun aktualisiert. Es tut mir Leid diesen Schritt gehen zu müssen.
20:22 - Deleted Posts
20:15 - Deleted Posts
20:15 - Deleted Posts
22:27 - 911sky mentioned zerogott in post Zygor Classic | Retail & Other Addons
zerogott thank you. I see you are the first and only person to say something. Even better reply The Issue with Auto Accept/Turn-in is something that zygor itself has to fix. An...
12:36 - nbr3nk7x mentioned zerogott in post Der längste e*pvp Thread XLI
... DrackenDarck u mad' bro? Da' Real Ano Krokettenbernd zerogott Prozess Krippz Shenichi Bnyx Zaza. ...
12:19 - Deleted Posts
23:41 - Mia Forever mentioned zerogott in post Free Keys Steam
... I CLOSE the Thread ! I did not know forgive me not seen this rule! I will take information how to offer keys with respect of the Rules. thanks for ur information zerogott !
19:22 - borabora31 mentioned zerogott in post Recruit a Friend / Werbt einen Freund
zerogott die battlechest müsste man sich selber holen :) sie ist jedoch soweit ich weiss zurzeit sehr günstig zu erwerben
13:14 - Deleted Posts
13:14 -


15:57 - DarkRaven70 quoted zerogott in post Muyami2 |DE - EN| Newschool | Server Start 31.01.2025 Server schon Dead vor dem Start. Glaube damit kann das hier dicht gemacht werden. Ich glaube da kann man mal 'nen #closerequest raushauen würd ich ma...
18:46 - M2Trading quoted zerogott in post Valoria2 - Where Old-School Meet Modern | Server Start: 17.01.2025
Shitfest. Tried playing, got kicked 3 times within 4 mins of playing. It even duped my inventory one time Pure Clownshow. Why you got Horse-med...
15:29 - jiip00x quoted zerogott in post Valoria2 - Where Old-School Meet Modern | Server Start: 17.01.2025
.Dean# Crowley Könnt ihr mal bitte den ganzen #VALORIAHYPE Müll hier rauslöschen und sowas verbieten? Jetzt wird der Thread schon mit AI müll zugespammt. Ich habe garnix gemac...
15:11 - Gecko96 quoted zerogott in post Valoria2 - Where Old-School Meet Modern | Server Start: 17.01.2025
.Dean# Crowley Könnt ihr mal bitte den ganzen #VALORIAHYPE Müll hier rauslöschen und sowas verbieten? Jetzt wird der Thread schon mit AI müll zugespammt. Yeah i also noticed t...
00:02 - Deleted Posts
17:51 - .Dean# quoted zerogott in post Alturi2 - Metin3 - Beta start: 10.01.2025
Ihr lasst euch hier mittlerweile in einer Tour auf der Nase rumtanzen von den gleichen Flaschen die mit immer neuen Accs immer neue Server aufmachen und Leute scammen.. Elitepvpers ha...
16:00 - Jachmudi quoted zerogott in post Alturi2 - Metin3 - Beta start: 10.01.2025
Ihr lasst euch hier mittlerweile in einer Tour auf der Nase rumtanzen von den gleichen Flaschen die mit immer neuen Accs immer neue Server aufmachen und Leute scammen. Und dann begrün...
14:31 - AnTiiChRiSt™ quoted zerogott in post Alturi2 - Metin3 - Beta start: 10.01.2025
Weißt halt nicht wieso man hier überhaupt noch ein Tag wartet. Ist doch Obv das es nur abused wird damit der Server weiter oben in der Liste ist um mehr Leute anzuziehen und zu Scamme...
09:19 - Deleted Posts
16:48 - Deleted Posts
12:48 - Deleted Posts
16:33 - MagicToMaster quoted zerogott in post PlayM2M | Next Generation MMORPG in Norse Mythology
You could still fix that issue by filling out Steams Age Rating Survey for your game so the Steampage is accessible again from germany. Hello, we knew that Steam had introduced an a...
20:25 - Deleted Posts
00:29 - EpicSync quoted zerogott in post [RETAIL, CATA, DF PRIVATE] EpicSync Rotations
Don't get scammed. He is just spamming a GSE Macro with an autoclicker, its not a Hack. Grab GSE here =>
20:47 - M2Trading quoted zerogott in post Dragunov2 Global | Official Like Server | Opening Date: 15.11.2024 19:00 CET
Arwen2/Velor2/Dragunov2 all the same Owner most likely. Another Cashgrab server without any Translation,any real player base, trying to bait people with 20k€ in rewards. The homepage ...
18:57 - GrindrGrindr quoted zerogott in post Dragunov2 Global | Official Like Server | Opening Date: 15.11.2024 19:00 CET
Arwen2/Velor2/Dragunov2 all the same Owner most likely. Another Cashgrab server without any Translation,any real player base, trying to bait people with 20k€ in rewards. The homepage ...
17:17 - EpicSync quoted zerogott in post [Unofficial] World of Warcraft Unlockers and Bot Reviews
If you don't use GSE explain why you literally posted a Video of you using GSE. Start of your Video shows that GSE is active. Afterwards you spam a m...
15:38 - EpicSync quoted zerogott in post [Unofficial] World of Warcraft Unlockers and Bot Reviews
You are safe cause GSE isn't bannable since its an Addon. You should really stop making a fucking clown of yourself by trying to sell a GSE script as a hack. We don’t even use GSE....
16:58 - EpicSync quoted zerogott in post [RETAIL, CATA, DF PRIVATE] EpicSync Rotations
Don't get scammed. He is just spamming a GSE Macro with an autoclicker, its not a Hack. Grab GSE here =>
20:17 - EpicSync quoted zerogott in post Best Unlock ROTATION?
Great, you did 1.3m overall dmg with the best tank (and easiest class overall in the game atm) for M+ in a dungeon. Everyone in the Thread is proud of you. You also still didn't p...

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