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fuat21 fuat21 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. schneefurz
    10/15/2020 15:10 - permalink
    Kanki ben snenin threadini grödüm auto select silkroadnan ama linkler olmiyor. Yeni linkleri verebilirmisin
  2. zippoman
    02/12/2012 22:22 - permalink
    bro server is not running hatası var
  3. 3bdoKhedr
    02/09/2012 17:32 - permalink
    hey . can i talk to u ?
  4. efeb31
    02/09/2012 15:24 - permalink
    Evet kardeş giriyorum 0hp 0mp duruyo :S
  5. gardiyan_
    02/06/2012 13:50 - permalink
    serverine girince , hiçbirşey olmuyor çar girdigi yerde kaliyor
  6. rezzan4546
    02/02/2012 14:56 - permalink
    kardeş ne zaman acılacak oyun
  7. rezzan4546
    02/02/2012 10:59 - permalink
    s.a kardeş üye oldum full clıent yukledım sanırım sılk ıcın gec kalmısım banada sılk verebılırsen gercekten cok sevınırım sıze ıyı calısmalar gırış ID:vapur4546 Oyundakı ısmım _Heaven_Dark
  8. sinan1233
    02/01/2012 23:21 - permalink
    S.a kardeşim oyuna üye oldum indiriyorum 200 silk verebilirmisin ? oyuna giriş ID = sinan1233
  9. onurgs59
    09/06/2011 15:11 - permalink
    S.a kardesim türk msüün msn verır mısın?


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  • Last Activity: 12/13/2024 18:31
  • Join Date: 03/12/2010


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18:49 - sarkoplata mentioned fuat21 in post Creddy PVP-Remaster | 110 | EU&CH | LONG TERM | NEW EVENTS | 11 YEARS | 2022 UPDATE
...k event and werid maze event its bugged fixed 'em just need to restart the server, will do it with some other changes just waiting for them to stack. -turkish warning- fuat21 bu oyunda eskiden bu kadar goldbot yoktu sbot cracklenmeden once, ondan sonra tadi kacti. eskiden kervan cekilirdi herkes yolunu bulurdu gold sıkıntısı ...


13:39 - veniceronline quoted fuat21 in post VENICE-R ONLINE | 90 CAP EU & CH | 1x Rate | ISRO - R FILES | G.O. 15.11.2024 !
So is this your explanation about vip buffs? lol Our system is designed this way. For some, it may seem logical, while for others, it may seem illogical. I respect your opinions...
10:44 - veniceronline quoted fuat21 in post VENICE-R ONLINE | 90 CAP EU & CH | 1x Rate | ISRO - R FILES | G.O. 15.11.2024 !
very exciting to start in this server, this server bring to me good memories from SRO GOGO! Do I need to leave my nickname here? to join event Yes, please write your charact...
10:44 - Deleted Posts
22:09 - veniceronline quoted fuat21 in post VENICE-R ONLINE | 90 CAP EU & CH | 1x Rate | ISRO - R FILES | G.O. 15.11.2024 !
Completely p2w. I did not read after when I see vip ranks, gl. If you read carefully, you will see that the buff values in the original system have been reduced. This is a common ...
22:03 - asda2story2 quoted fuat21 in post [C# & CPP] Emulator for Open Beta Client
is it possible re-upload it again? I know it's old but lets try my chance :D send your discord private i will upload it
00:04 - Chiwawa67 quoted fuat21 in post Looking an Expert to Unpack Themida 3.X.X
Hello, as I said, I need someone to unpack an exe which written with C++. It's packed with Themida. add discord: sternclient
06:02 - Sever Games quoted fuat21 in post SeveR: 90 CAP - Ultimate Progressive ISROR Experience | Brand Anniversary Patch 04.09
Phbot can work here or no ? Only our in-game macro works, and there's a Macro Auto Login tool that you'll find in your client folder when you download it. Server owners soooo g...
04:16 - skinner✔ quoted fuat21 in post SeveR: 90 CAP - Ultimate Progressive ISROR Experience | Brand Anniversary Patch 04.09
Server owners soooo greedy that is competely pay2win. Nodoubt. Beside server is shitty,still there's lag problem and random client crashes,random dc. By the way dont trust macro syst...
22:26 - SlateHub quoted fuat21 in post SlateHub's [$60] New World Internal (Aimbot/ESP/Radar/MISC) [AMD/INTEL][Kernel]
Can you check your telegram DM's? I've replied to everyone since i woke up. Please message me again on Telegram if you need anything or here via private message. Thanks
16:50 - xRoff quoted fuat21 in post Zealot Online [Atalanta] Cap 110|Old School|DailyQuests|Free Silks|GO 23|10|2020
Botting allowed? Yes Allowed , Waiting for you ;) Where are the links? Check links in thread it works as well ;)
22:39 - Rakkion quoted fuat21 in post Silkroad Rakkion | Lifetime Server | CAP 100 | Grand Opening 10.10.2020
you should decrease the pc limit as 2. Hello fuat21, it's 3 for a reason The activities limit is 1 already, so why 3? because the roles in game really so much roles, the game is not only depending in 1 role like so many othe...
20:56 -
18:28 - Deleted Posts
17:04 - Deleted Posts
15:42 - Rony95 quoted fuat21 in post [] Apex Legends - Undetected Packet Based Radar Hack
is this still available? Yes, still available.
16:34 - Ellliott quoted fuat21 in post FP - Apex Legends Cheat [Silent Aimbot, Recoil Control, No Spread, Item ESP, Spoofer]
Cheat is detected. 2 account banned at same time. You're a clown. Cheat is definitely not Detected
20:26 - spottieottie quoted fuat21 in post FP - Apex Legends Cheat [Silent Aimbot, Recoil Control, No Spread, Item ESP, Spoofer]
Cheat is detected. 2 account banned at same time. Stop with those stupid "detected" claims. just share your experience so we have all the info related to bans here.
20:34 - xcross25 quoted fuat21 in post FP - Apex Legends Cheat [Silent Aimbot, Recoil Control, No Spread, Item ESP, Spoofer]
Probably they test it that's why. Yep. It is the test. Ain’t safe but it is worth it for now
20:25 - SHOOTER676 quoted fuat21 in post FP - Apex Legends Cheat [Silent Aimbot, Recoil Control, No Spread, Item ESP, Spoofer]
I think it's uptaded. I'm playing right now. is it? cause their store is out of stock
12:21 - Themdead quoted fuat21 in post FP - Apex Legends Cheat [Silent Aimbot, Recoil Control, No Spread, Item ESP, Spoofer]
Just dont use fuckin aimbot and becarefull when someone is watching you. That's all. The problem is people don't have any aim .. So they forced to use aimbot! The optimal would j...

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