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Mdarude Mdarude is offline

Senior Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. TautĄ
    05/26/2023 18:49 - permalink
    Done bro
  2. Aurix
    02/16/2015 22:01 - permalink

    you said your looking for a server ..
    you should try trinity Online > cap 90 Ch only
    the server was Ok then we updated the server after 15 days, so people get mad.
    daily event, English, no stupid edited things ..

    Trinity Online ? Home

    give a try if you didn't it worth the try <3
  3. Angel_Beats
    04/23/2014 21:15 - permalink
  4. Angel_Beats
    03/13/2014 19:46 - permalink
    just saw your comment on [Collection] Find your server so try this server
  5. shanapo
    03/09/2014 15:07 - permalink
    hello ,,, i want to invite you to join PrimeSro,, Tequeila server it will be online tomorrow ,,, its old school Dr8 server ,,, join it will be great and invite your friends ,,

    Cheers your friend iDare

About Me

  • About Mdarude


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  • Last Activity: 10/17/2024 22:23
  • Join Date: 03/07/2010


Showing Friends 1 to 4 of 4


11:07 - iCracked mentioned Mdarude in post SRO Arena (Reloded) | High Quality Server | Relax Old School
any english speaking guild ? Mdarude doesn't replay to private msg


15:20 - Kenchi95 quoted Mdarude in post ZEOnline - Cap 90 D9 [EU/CH] Hard Rates Progressive GRAND OPENING JUNE 8 JOIN TODAY
Thank you for your feedback. You are more then welcome to help us if you can do it better this simply because we dont have the expertise to make it look better in our current team. ...
19:04 - thepope2020 quoted Mdarude in post ZEOnline - Cap 90 D9 [EU/CH] Hard Rates Progressive GRAND OPENING JUNE 8 JOIN TODAY
Depends on the day and time.. we just now open up DG 9 so i think some old faces will get back again during this week and we go back to 100+ that is good engouf for us. Why don't ...
06:10 - meshoo8 quoted Mdarude in post ZEOnline - Cap 90 D9 [EU/CH] Hard Rates Progressive GRAND OPENING JUNE 8 JOIN TODAY
Thank you for the support we do our best to keep it all together in good and bad times. !!!!! i have wrote what i have seen so far and ty for keeping the isro experience like we a...
14:44 - aionfreetoplay quoted Mdarude in post ZEOnline - Cap 90 D9 [EU/CH] Hard Rates Progressive GRAND OPENING JUNE 8 JOIN TODAY
Well this is again a problem of the mindset we like to get suggestions. only the problem is that i get the feeling people think that a suggestion is something that will be changed. ho...
18:51 - stfu12 quoted Mdarude in post ZEOnline - Cap 90 D9 [EU/CH] Hard Rates Progressive GRAND OPENING JUNE 8 JOIN TODAY
You can get Silks only by ingame gold or running events we already have that follow this ok thx got it why is there a captc...
11:39 - Geezmo quoted Mdarude in post ZEOnline - Cap 90 D9 [EU/CH] Hard Rates Progressive GRAND OPENING JUNE 8 JOIN TODAY
We dont work with the XP rates of Quests or what you get from monsters we Did edit the XP needed to lvl up.
14:46 - JoleChow* quoted Mdarude in post X-Gaming Online | 110Cap | PVE | Play2Win | Balanced | Original Silkroad Experience
looks promessing Thank you mate, grand opening today don't miss it :heyguys:
11:04 - Prlx quoted Mdarude in post Maskroad | Cap 100| Europe and China | Sox drop system | Your Adventure begin!
Why would you play on this server if it will go down soon again. all the server this person has made and non of them where keeping up for a long time a wast of your time the servers ...
22:43 - Deleted Posts
15:25 - Speedy_Famous quoted Mdarude in post ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆
Again a nice update Magic pop rates have increased a easy way to get a nice avatar or even Immortals ! :-) also you can now buy megic popcarts from uniq points !! Well the poin...

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