About Me
- About l0wD
- Biography
- and ehhm, dont forget to buy my t-shirts, thanks!
- Location
- Bayern
- Occupation
- Coder
02/13/2019 |
17:03 - ThE_BuTcHeR1 mentioned l0wD in post [CSGO] pGcheats.rocks - 3years Undetected l0wD is your product still working in ESEA?? I can't seem to find it on your website. Or is it all private? |
01/09/2019 |
15:12 - d4rkb4k mentioned l0wD in post [CSGO] pGcheats.rocks - 3years Undetected l0wD
Do you do bulid on ESEA / faceit ? |
03/15/2018 |
18:35 - zotteros mentioned l0wD in post [CSGO] pGcheats.rocks - 3years Undetected //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
09/22/2020 |
03:41 - stalliongs quoted l0wD in post *singularity.wtf* Premium CS:GO Cheats [Aim|Trigger|RCS|ESP|Chams|Glow|Misc|...] i think you're just trying to sabotage my advertising efforts for what ever reason you've got and i dont think thats funny. perhaps you're bored, perhaps aeru pissed you off, i don... |
09/19/2020 |
05:32 - stalliongs quoted l0wD in post *singularity.wtf* Premium CS:GO Cheats [Aim|Trigger|RCS|ESP|Chams|Glow|Misc|...] ...ore. he did a lot of shady shit including that he stole from the project.
I PM'd you on discord wehen aeru was still with the cheat in 2018 and you said you didnt know who l0wd was lol, I don't have any screenshots though so obviously you can refute that claim all you want, it's not really my problem. I just think it's funny. |
04/12/2019 |
22:18 - several ppl did but its irrelevant. youre not on my trusted list, so there's no chance youll get your hands on a private of mine :)
best regards
can ppl apply for that? |
03/10/2018 |
16:23 - Deleted Posts |
14:31 - |
14:01 - Deleted Posts |
05/08/2017 |
10:43 - Chakuma quoted l0wD in post [CS:GO Hack] pGcheats.rocks - Just the right amount of skill Gute Entscheidung ;)
Gibt einige die unsere Produkte auf ihren Main nutzen, eine 100%ige Sicherheit gibt es natürlich nie.
Muss man immer noch seine Personalien offen legen f... |
04/05/2016 |
15:21 - AndreHorn quoted l0wD in post [CS:GO Hack] pGcheats.rocks - Just the right amount of skill Entgegen allen Gerüchten: shlcD ist immer noch ESEA und ESL undetected, bitches ;)
pr00f? |
03/23/2016 |
22:07 - Deleted Posts |
00:23 - Deleted Posts |
03/22/2016 |
21:56 - Gut dann hab ich mich falsch ausgedrückt nicht der Screen sondern das Projekt ist 1,5 Jahre alt und crownt, dessen Code und taskleiste du da siehst, muss sein Projekt in TV herzeig... |
19:19 - oh noooeez.
er hat nen 1,5 jahre alten teamviewer screenshot von nem projekt (ragehack) das es nie bis zum release geschafft hat im inet gefunden.
bist bestimmt immer noch stolz... |
18:12 - Deleted Posts |
17:58 - unknwnx. quoted l0wD in post [Support]Du willst einen Cheat kaufen? / You want to buy a cheat? Was ist für legit mm hacking besser geeignet, unity, high minded oder noch etwas ganz anderes?
schau mal bei pGcheats.rocks vorbei.
Wir haben legit erfunden :D
pgc hat legit er... |