Conversation Between ICP and Noturmomma
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that is not my girl and i asked on bc if lw waz over and no one ansured me so i said maints and no one said any thing then nether so i did a maints and as 4 the lulu and dodos i took them all out of the server and never thought frank would do wrong
Sorry but happened in legion war was an accident , after she gets done talking mad crap on BC u all of a sudden do a maintance?? NO one does that during legion war, we were almost done as well........anywho again I did not mean to kill her merely forgot that I was in legion pk and I did say sorry as soon as I did it. Either way I got on and my lulu of 126* was the only pets missing?? I gave the rest to Medo and said thanks for the game time as I did you. There was no reason for you to get so upset with us after all we were the ones that took the crap. Taking pets means nothing to us as u know that by now. And thinking Frank would have hurt ur server in anyway was not right. He had no bad intentions as we both know u r new to alot of this. Sorry things have worked out as they have and I still wish u all the best in ur server.