Lol. Actually, when I logged on the day that I got 100 post, I started out with 96!
I do an average of 5 posts a day. I would like to keep people informed and I have to make sure people know I'm reading their messages. Any good "Unofficial" Mod even will post on everything they get the chance to. And the really small post that I do. As for those...well, There usually self-explanitory as to what I think about that they said whether it be good or bad. I remember one of them was
I wrote that because I wanted to express that a certain thread was useless. And now your gonna say that this is a useless post too!. Well. Go ahead. I give you the permissions to write "-.-" right in here to express how pointless you think this post is. The only reason I try to post something in every thread thats recently been posted in is because I want the people to know I'm paying attentiona nd ifI want to become an officail mod then I have toi prove that I'm an active member. And if you were wondering, I didn't take any offence to what you said. I take it as a curious person trying to figure out why I wrote all my "susposed useless" post!
Also, I'm now removeing my email. I think it's been there long enough.