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PM box storage?

Discussion on PM box storage? within the Main forum part of the General category.

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Peshо's Avatar
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PM box storage?

Is there some hidden way to increase it?
I do realise that it costs you a lot, but is it possible to make a way? For example: Premium V.2 (all the same, just PM box storage increased to 5k) for 1250 E*Gold.

I'm aware of the fact I can delete my PM box easily and even download PMs, the problem with that is I change my OS quite often, I reinstall it at least twice a month, and I guess not only I prefer keeping Epvp on here, instead of many devices which happen to lose their memory due to my poor care for them.


I'm NOT trying to be mean anyhow. If I've managed to offend the Epvp staff team, I apologise. I didn't mean to offend anyone with this post, honestly, I just wanted to know if something like that is possible or I have to keep doing this the old way, which I manage to **** up every single time. Don't even ask me how I do that, I don't have any idea either.
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Old 12/08/2015, 00:55   #2
Der-Eddy's Avatar
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No, we don't offer such "hidden" services
other ways to increase your inbox is by joining our staff team
moderators have space for 6 000 messages, global moderators 10 000 I think

in the past we had suggestions about increacing the inbox storage:
may you join the discussion about it

Originally Posted by Peshо View Post
I'm aware of the fact I can delete my PM box easily and even download PMs, the problem with that is I change my OS quite often, I reinstall it at least twice a month, and I guess not only I prefer keeping Epvp on here, instead of many devices which happen to lose their memory due to my poor care for them.
Thats clearly your problem
you should either buy a external hdd to backup important files or use a cloud storage like dropbox

/closed as requested
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