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What's the best bot for MMORPGs?
Discussion on What's the best bot for MMORPGs? within the Main forum part of the General category.
06/02/2012, 13:38
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 7
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What's the best bot for MMORPGs?
Hi everyone,
Given the breadth of games, I'm not expecting definitive answer. But, if I were to look at starting to play a new MMORPG game and wanted to select one that had a really good bot available, which game would you recommend? Doesn't have to be a free bot, but obviously that would be an advantage.
Thanks in advance,
P.S. ElitePVP is a godsend for uncoordinated people like me
06/02/2012, 15:02
elite*gold: 0
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Please post your thread in the right section.
06/03/2012, 15:46
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2011
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