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Simple Pathing Issues For Hunters / Lore-Masters

Discussion on Simple Pathing Issues For Hunters / Lore-Masters within the LotRO Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the Lord of the Rings Online category.

Old   #1
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There are some basic pathing issues which still remain in LoTR Online.

Here is an example. If you locate a downed statue/pillar/anything that is raised above the standard z axis of the ground area where a land based monster roams, you can attack the monster from said object and draw it close to you. Once it reaches the object it WILL be able to hit you if you remain on the edge. However many of these downed objects/structures are quite wide and if you move back a few steps the monster will become unable to touch you, while you can still pummel it with ranged shots. This is quite useful in taking down mobs 2-3 levels above you!

Try it out, a nice place to see an example is near the cave-claw area in Silver Deep Mine.
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Old 05/01/2007, 17:01   #2
elite*gold: 0
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hmm after some seconds it goes into anti exploit mode make every of your attacks miss and regenerate hp
r00kie is offline  
Old 08/02/2007, 21:47   #3
elite*gold: 0
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Yea i get that error aswell, its exactly the same anti exploit as WoW. Doesnt work
warman2332 is offline  

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