Pokemon Sniping Service [CHEAP][ANY POKEMON HIGH IV/CP] 08/02/2016 - Pokemon Trading - 0 Replies PokemonGO Sniper Services
I will get any pokemon you want with whatever CP you want and good IV's (if you want really high IV's/CP then the price may adjust.) For the price it should be around 1$ per pokemon, depending on the CP/IV's that you want. If you dont have pokeballs I will get a bunch for you, and it will take a bit more.
I will not use any botting services, all will be caught by hand. Fill out this form to request.
Pokemon You Want? Trainer Level?
Current Location?
WTT metin2 german things or account for your last chaos usa auzura things 05/20/2011 - Last Chaos Trading - 0 Replies hello
i want to trade my metin2 account or things on metin2 german ( server sobo ) for your last chaos usa auzura-eu things .
who is intrested at this offer send me a personal message , there you can ask question abaout things , money or account ( can send screenshots too)
WTS Things on Gaia for Things on Odin 04/08/2011 - Silkroad Online Trading - 6 Replies Dear ePvpers-Community,
I'm Selling 1B Gold on Gaia !!! I trade it for 1B On Odin or for other things!!!
Also Want to Sell
LVL 99 Warrior No Email Verified (20 € )
LVL 94 Bard No Email Verified (15€)
Only Accept Wallie Card or Things on Odin
Things about the new client/ Help with a few things 08/23/2009 - S4 League - 7 Replies Okay... After the update I rescanned for a few things.
I have SP, Fumbi Address, Master Address, Run Speed and Jump speed.
I noticed freezing your SP seems to disconnect you.
I also can't find a Z pointer that last longer than a few restarts (probably not looking deep enough, but haven't been bored enough to spend hours searching for pointers)
I'm wondering if anyone else has successfully frozen their SP value without a disconnect
I'm also wondering if anyone has a pointer for Z and...