I made this bot to farm the 1st room of Chaos Dungeons, I've been using it for over a month now, making tweaks. It's an AHK Bot so it will perform mouse and keyboard inputs.
- Download the attachment and open chaos-room-settings.ahk in a code editor or notepad, you'll see a bunch of settings. PLEASE Read these and understand it... Im not going to be providing much support.
- It'll basically spam skills so make a hotbar that has skills that dont require charging, double pressing or holding down. I'm main Sorcerer but a friend uses this on his Berserker. You can have it randomly rotate if that helps your skills. It must be skills that can just be tapped, and AOE.
- If you start it and feel like it's clicking JUST slightly off, then edit: winHeightOffset := 0 and winWidthOffset := 0 For example if it's clicking too low, set winHeightOffset := -40 to always click 40 pixels higher. If it's WAY off then it'll require a lot of debugging.
I've coded this at 1080p game res, with 150% windows resolution scaling.
Once your settings are good, make sure:
- Your game is WINDOWED MODE (or Borderless can work)
- Your game is 1920x1080 (16:9)
- Your HUD is 100%
- Stand NEXT to the Chaos Dungeon DO NOT stand next to any NPCs (Yorn and Rohendel are good zones and they're quiet, faster loading times)
- Minimize your chat (important as it presses Enter)
- Change your Graphics Preset to "LOW"
- Change the Slider to "Performance" (not Quality)
- Double click: chaos-room-one.ahk
- TEST : Press F5, it will perform a "Repair", if everything clicks in the correct place, you're good to go, if it does not, check your settings or edit: winHeightOffset / winWidthOffset.
- Press F1 to begin, it will auto-focus the game
- Press Escape to stop/kill the bot.
What it Does:
- It will run and stop at the hour/minute set under: AutoStopHour / AutoStopMinute (you dont want the bot to run after reset and waste your 2 dailys)
- It uses colour detection to know when the Chaos Window is open and know when you've loaded into room 1.
- It will fight for the duration of battleDuration then leave
- It can repair using Pet
- If you want it to use potion, add the key to "skills" in the settings, however it must not be the default F1, put your potion on like 5 then put "5" in the skills list. It will spam potions (they have a cooldown) so buy cheap ones.
I've left this running for long periods, sometimes boting 40-60 hours. Eventually im sure we'll all get banned, nothing is risk free. But it's AHK
I don't really play anymore so I don't intend to really update this, hopefully some of you are knowledgable of AHK.
You can farm about 12,000-15,000+ Shard of Purifications in an 8hour period (over night), then buy a bunch of Solar Protections or Great Honor Leapstones which sell for a lot. On my Server (EUWest) this netted about 5000-6000 gold per night. You can also do this for T1/T2 Shards and buyout the entire Chaos Shop on 9/10 alts in 1 night. (I've done this myself)