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EUC - Thirain - 1500+ ILvL Sharpshooter Main - 3 Alts on 1445 with 5X3 Engraving

Discussion on EUC - Thirain - 1500+ ILvL Sharpshooter Main - 3 Alts on 1445 with 5X3 Engraving within the Lost Ark Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

Old   #1
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Thumbs up EUC - Thirain - 1500+ ILvL Sharpshooter Main - 3 Alts on 1445 with 5X3 Engraving


After 8 months of playing the game every day (a total of 1500 hours) I’ve decided to sell my very high-end Lost Ark account.
I do not have exact pricing in mind because by checking various platforms and forums, the price for these high-end accounts fluctuates a lot so I am open to offers.
This is a premium founders edition account 2x (2 legendary mounts, costumes etc.)

Here are some details about the account and what it’s included in this sale:

Account Summary:
Main Char: Sharpshooter, 1502.5 iLvL, Loyal Companion Custom Build (Better than Korean Meta).
Alts: 3x1445 (2 Pistoleers + Control Glavier), properly equipped with Relic Sets, level 5+ gems, 5x3 meta engravings and relic accessories.
One alt 1415 (used for event rewards) and buying carries for some extra gold.

In-depth analysis of the mains and alts:
The main has a mixture of level 8, 9 and 10 gems. Currently working on getting all gems to level 10.
The main and alts all have level 5 tripods Skills (3 slots storage prepared for tripod update) – a huge investment, over 500k gold
Light of Salvation Card Set – 18 bonus (20 + 1 levels / 30)
Costumes for all chars + extra unopened boxes in storage. – For extra bonus stats
Legendary Engravings: Grudge, Loyal Companion, Pistoleer, Control.

This account has all legendary life skill tools (valued at over 300k gold).
All mokoko rewards.
All world tree leaves collected (extremely time-consuming).
All Giant Hearts
All stories and all quests completed, including side quests.
50/52 Masterpiece Collection (by the time this account is sold, this will also be maxed out).
Best in Slot Astray Ship Lvl 10 + Best in Slot Crew and Costume for Ship
All daily una reputation completed.
288/300 Cards Collected (collected all cards available in this patch).
Legendary Pet for main + Pet Enhancement Tokens for alt’s pet as well just not enough exp to upgrade.
Level 160+ Roaster Level
1 PowerPass ticket
Max Stronghold

150 pheons
50 mil silver
100k gold
6 Months of Crystalline Aura

I would like to mention that I have never bought/sold gold from third parties and this account has never been banned or suspended for such activities.
The account is on steam and sold as such. As a bonus, on this steam account, you will also have Dying Light 2, Mount & Blade Banner lord and a few other games.

Payment Accepted: Paypal with a verified account.
Middlemen Services Accepted
Because Paypal has a 3 days transaction cancellation option, the account transfer is done/released by the middleman 3 days after payment.
Communication can be done here or on Discord: Yo-Dee#8079

Pricing is negotiable but payment conditions are non-negotiable. Please do not waste my time because I can smell scammers from a mile away.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg main.jpg (245.2 KB, 24 views)
File Type: jpg alts roaster.jpg (60.8 KB, 23 views)
File Type: jpg card set.jpg (165.3 KB, 23 views)
File Type: jpg gems main.jpg (174.5 KB, 24 views)
File Type: jpg pets.jpg (291.8 KB, 20 views)
File Type: jpg trade skills and tools.jpg (201.5 KB, 19 views)
h4ckzor3 is offline  
Old 10/10/2022, 12:03   #2
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 4
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To give a ballpark of pricing, because I've received very lowball offers, I think the account is worth $1500-2000. Looking into other platforms and I am not going to mention them here as it's probably against ToS, the prices for such accounts are much higher than this but this is where I feel comfortable with this transaction.
As I mentioned previously, the price is negotiable but not within those lowball ranges.
h4ckzor3 is offline  

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