I have been selling this hack (Lost Ark Speeder) since day two of the game's release. There have been 0 automated detections of the program. Below is what you can achieve with this hack:
Movement speed hack
Attack speed hack
Cast speed hack (specific abilities only)
Teleportation (to cursor, waymark, etc.)
Auto-targeting (closest mob, previous target, specific target, etc.)
Display mobs' HP
Botting features (see videos)
Macro functionality
Camera movement hacks (can rotate camera with keys or mouse)
Field of view/zoom hack
WASD character movement (or whatever keys you prefer)
Here is my collection of videos on the hack:

The hack is external and individualized for each person. It can be injected into any process for further obfuscation. There is a readme that explains how to set up the hack and how to avoid server detection for the attack speed and movement speed hack.
The price is $20.99 for one month or $6.49 for five days. I will accept trades through here and more information can be found on my website:

Membership also comes with access to the Speeder Cheats Discord server.
Please provide a valid email address upon payment. This will be used to log in to the program. The program is locked to a single HWID; however, you can use a USB drive to load the program on multiple PCs if needed.
Thank you—