anyone know site that have database for gracia final ?
i try pmfun and l2 dropspoil they are not complate...i try search recipe for tallum helm no monster drop or spoil but poeple selling recipe tallum helm.
Hellbound patch, drop, spoil, mobs aggresion, lvl 05/30/2010 - Lin2 Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros - 11 Replies Thanks 2 this little thing u can see what lvl is mob, what u can drop/spoil from him and if its aggro, also showes good/bad treasure chests. Its for Hellbound/Kamael
Btw can someone whit many posts check this cuz i dont want spam as "this is trojan" etc etc
tnx & hf
Gracia Drop/spoil patch 06/02/2009 - Lineage 2 - 6 Replies Does anyone knows one patch to see the drops and the spoils of every mob inside the game ?
i tried to do it my self but i can manage to copy some lines to other editor to put it to work... it's around 20 thousand lines:( tha's why i'm asking it :D
[REQ] L2c5 Drop-Spoil 02/25/2007 - Lineage 2 - 0 Replies I had somethink on c4.. but now i need it on c5......
by the way .. maybe there is another way to know Chest/box on c5?
Question about Spoil/Drop Patch 02/05/2007 - Lineage 2 - 0 Replies I was just wondering if anyone knows how to put or get the files that patchs the system in order to see what the mob drops or spoils; it appears in the very same windows when you target the mob, where you see its weakness and the type of mob.
This has been very usefull in one server i played in, its and now i would like to continue playing in another server with the same patch.. thank you in advance guys :D