L2 Elixir Chest/Box Patch... 11/21/2009 - Lineage 2 - 3 Replies Is there any? I tried someones NpcName-e.dat
but I got Access Failed...
Is there anything that works on L2 Elixir?
Or any other patch or something ? :S
EDIT: Sorry for Question can you move it somewhere else?
I don't know where I must post the question :P
on general topic? :/
L2 Elixir Chest/Box Patch... 11/20/2009 - Lineage 2 - 0 Replies Is there any? I tried someones NpcName-e.dat
but I got Access Failed...
Is there anything that works on L2 Elixir?
Or any other patch or something ? :S
I need chest patch pt2 07/27/2009 - Lineage 2 - 1 Replies Sup guys, i can't find the chest patch working on pt2 on private l2off server. If you have one please upload it. Thank you.
Treasure chest patch 07/04/2009 - Lineage 2 - 1 Replies Hey, i search treasure chest patch to CT1 in BFDe server. Previous patch not working. Drop spoil its ok but all treasure chest name "shining inside" :( Please help where i can find patch to CT1 box?
Mechanar - Solo 100% Chest (Rogue) Patch 2.1.2 09/28/2007 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 111 Replies ALLE TRUHEN SIND LOOTBAR!
Spawnpoints an den Treppengeländern (auf "beiden Seiten möglich"):
http://coperator.co.funpic.de/stuff/arrow.gif Klick mich!
Dritter Spawnpunkt der Truhe:
http://coperator.co.funpic.de/stuff/arrow.gif Klick mich!
Hat einwandfrei geklappt mit dem aktuellen Patch 2.1.2.