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Neue Patchnotes leaked

Discussion on Neue Patchnotes leaked within the League of Legends forum part of the Popular Games category.

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Neue Patchnotes leaked

New Skins in the Store

* Galactic Renekton
* Outback Renekton
* Winged Hussar Xin Zhao
* Vandal Vladimir
* Lumberjack Sion
* Commando Galio v1.27.XX
* Fixed a bug where selecting a Skin late in the countdown process would produce an error
* Fixed a bug where players that had been disconnected from chat could not enter the Matchmaking queue
* Improved the visual style of the Store
* Fixed a bug in the Store that prevented some users from purchasing Riot Points via PayPal

League of Legends v1.0.0.109

Renekton, the Butcher of the Sands

* Renekton uses a new resource system called Fury. Renekton gains Fury by attacking or dealing damage with spells. When he has gathered enough Fury, the resource will be expended to empower his skills with bonus effects.
* Tyrant’s Reach: Renekton cleaves, dealing damage to nearby enemies and healing for 20% of the damage dealt. Each target hit grants 5 fury, up to 25. Deals double damage to champions. When Renekton has more than 50 Fury he heals for 60% of damage dealt. Consumes 50 Fury.
* Ruthless Predator: Renekton’s next attack will swing twice dealing a percentage of his Attack Damage as physical damage and stunning his target for 0.75 seconds. Applies on-hit effects. When Renekton has more than 50 Fury, his next attack will swing three times dealing a percentage of his Attack Damage and stunning his target for 1.5 seconds. Consumes 50 Fury.
* Slice and Dice: Renekton dashes forward, dealing physical damage to targets along the way. If he hits a target, he gains 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 Fury and the cooldown is refreshed. This refresh cannot happen more than once every few seconds.
* Dominus (Ultimate): Renekton empowers himself with dark energies, gaining increased size and health for 15 seconds. While empowered, he deals additional magic damage and generates 5 Fury per second.
* Reign of Anger (Passive): Renekton gains 5 Fury per autoattack. Having sufficient fury empowers Renekton’s abilities with bonus effects, but this drains Fury. Out of combat, Renekton loses 5 Fury per second.
* When Renekton is below 40% life, he gains bonus armor and magic resistance.

* Piltover Peacemaker
o Base damage changed to 20/65/110/155/200 from 40/70/100/130/160
o Attack damage ratio increased to 1.3 from 1
o Damage loss per unit increased to 10% from 6%
o Maximum damage loss increased to 50% from 30%

* Ace in the Hole
o Base damage increased to 250/475/700 from 250/400/550
o Now provides vision on the target for the duration and thus is not canceled when the target leaves line of sight
o Fixed a bug where Ace in the Hole didn't scale from the Havoc mastery
o Damage is now treated as a spell instead of an attack
o No longer triggers hit effects like Blessing of the Lizard Elder
o Now triggers spell hit effects like Rylai's Crystal Scepter
o Cannot be dodged or blocked by Pantheon's Aegis Protection

* Feast now loses half stacks (rounded up) instead of 3 stacks on death

* Base mana reduced to 180 from 212
* Mana per level increased to 42 from 38
* Base damage reduced to 48 from 53
* Damage per level increased to 3.3 from 2.9
* Base armor reduced to 12.5 from 14.75
* Hate Spike mana cost increased to 12/15/18/21/24 from 8/10/12/14/16
* Shadow Walk duration reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 20/30/40/50/60
* Shadow Walk cooldown reduced to 12/11/10/9/8 from 12 at all ranks upon breaking stealth
* Malice and Spite duration reduced to 10 seconds from 15

* Judgement bonus attack damage scaling increased to 1.2 from 1.0 per second

* H28G Evolution Turret
o Improved Turret AI so they will prioritize attacking Champions that attack Heimerdinger
o Turrets now work on an ammo system (25 second ammo cooldown)
o 1 second placement cooldown
o Levelup progression changed:
+ Rank 2 - places green turrets
+ Rank 3 - places 2 turrets
+ Rank 4 - +150 Health
+ Rank 5 - places red turrets
o Fixed a bug where Upgraded!!! turrets would stop firing resistance piercing and area-effect shots
o Turrets now gain 15 health per Heimerdinger level down from 21
o Turret magic resistance increased to 80 from 60
o Tooltip now references 'turrets' rather than 'towers.'
* Upgrade!!!
o Now increases number of Hextech Micro Rockets to 5 while active
o Now increases missile speed on Ch-1 Concussion Grenade to 1000 from 750 while active
* Fixed a bug where Techmaturgical Repair Bots provided less health regeneration than stated

* Leap Strike cooldown reduced to 13/11/9/7/5 from 17/14/11/8/5.
* Counter Strike now shows a brighter particle when Jax has recently dodged an attack and Counter Strike is ready

* Shunpo damage changed to 80/120/160/200/240 from 90/120/150/180/210

* Mark of the Storm duration reduced to 8 seconds from 12
* Electrical Surge range decreased to 800 from 825

* Fixed a bug that caused Lux to have 0 base mana regen

* Shield decay reduced to 3% from 5%

* Base movement speed increased to 325 from 320
* Siphoning Strike damage bonus per kill increased to 3 from 2

* Undertow
* Fixed a bug where Undertow was dealing too much damage
* Attack damage scaling increased to 0.5 from 0.3
* Base damage reduced to 50/90/130/170/210 from XXXXXXXX

* Aegis of Zeonia stun duration reduced to 0.7/0.9/1.1/1.3/1.5 from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds

* Puncturing Taunt cooldown increased to 12 from 9

* Ricochet bounce radius reduced to 450 from 500
* Ricochet damage loss per bounce increased to 25% from 22%

Taric[*]Fixed a bug with Radiance where it would cause performance issues while on

* Bloodlust heal increased to 18/26/34/42/50 from 10/20/30/40/50
* Undying Rage duration reduced to 5 seconds from 6
* Battle Fury passive critical chance increased to 10-50% from 0-50%

* Base attack range increased to 500 from 475
* Ambush duration reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 20/30/40/50/60
* Ambush's attack speed bonus now reaches its maximum duration twice as fast

* Blood Scent now properly remembers toggle state when you respawn

Xin Zhao
* Three Talon Strike cooldown changed to 10 from 12/11/10/9/8
* Crescent Sweep base damage reduced to 125/225/325 from 125/250/375

* Chronoshift duration reduced to 10 seconds from 13

* Chain Vest now shows 6 items it builds into instead of 5
* Longsword upgrade paths updated
* Wards no longer grant experience on death
* Vision Ward cost reduced to 125 from 150
* Rabadon's Deathcap cost increased to 3400 from 3300
* Black Cleaver now appears in the Attack Speed tab

* Ardor
o Now provides all of its benefit at level 1 rather than half at level 1 and the other half scaling up to level 18
o Fixed bugs where Ardor was not counting Ability Power and Attack Speed from many sources - essentially anything that wasn't an item
o Fixed a bug where Ardor and Zhonya's Ring/Rabadon's Deathcap were double multiplicative
o Clarified the tooltip

* We have changed how critical strike and dodge chance work. You will now get fewer ‘lucky’ or ‘unlucky’ streaks where you get no critical hits/dodges in a row, or a lot of them in a row. Your average chance to get a crit is the same as before though – if you have a 50% crit rate, and you make 100 attacks, you’ll still crit about 50 times.
* Baron's Wrath of the Ancients spell no longer targets stealthed units
* Jungle monsters that previously had negative magic resistance now have magic resistance of zero
* Monster camps will now properly updated when scouted with vision
Sollten die vollständigen patchnotes sein, sorry für keine source, aber...^^
Thanks pls^^
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Old 01/17/2011, 13:38   #2
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Da kommt der Eve early nerf <3
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Old 01/17/2011, 13:38   #3
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Sieht interessant aus.
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Old 01/17/2011, 14:56   #4
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Der Patch gefällt mir sehr gut.

Vorallem aber


* Siphoning Strike damage bonus per kill increased to 3 from 2
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Old 01/17/2011, 14:57   #5
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Rammus nerf..
First i was like:
but then i was like:

Auch wenn ich finde Rammus ist ok wie er bisher war, liegt am Spieler ob er von Rammus zu Tode getauntet wird oder nicht.
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Old 01/17/2011, 14:58   #6
omg artix's Avatar
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Sieht vielversprechend aus, freu mich schon O;

Werd mich dann auch mal wieder mit Nasus probieren
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Old 01/17/2011, 14:59   #7

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Jetzt hat er einen hohen CD ;O

Werden jetzt mal Eve dennoch testen im Jungle. Finde den Nerf schon krass. Ich bin mir sicher, dass ihn jetzt wieder keine Sau spielt. Wie leicht man doch einen Champion vernichten kann. Evelynn auf der Lane ist halt schwer bzw. ist einfach fail.
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Old 01/17/2011, 15:06   #8
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Der Leapstrike hat einen geringeren CD, HA! Das einzige was im Midgame beim Verfolgen gestört hat. Man, muss mein OS wieder aufsetzen damit ich wieder zocken kann. :/
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Old 01/17/2011, 15:17   #9
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Der Nasus Buff freut mich.
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Old 01/17/2011, 15:30   #10
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Freu mich drauf besonders auf den Eve Nerf und den Nasus Buff. ;D

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Old 01/17/2011, 15:40   #11
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Und Twitch's Hoden schrumpfen und schrumpfen.
Letztens nochmal Twitch getestet, geht ja mal garnicht mehr.
Ganken geht nur noch, wenn der andere full DD ist und der Gegner Squshy und am besten schon wenig Leben, da man selbst fast keinen Dmg macht, besonders im EG.
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Old 01/17/2011, 15:45   #12

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Originally Posted by Rexiem View Post
Da kommt der Eve early nerf <3
versteh ich nicht.
ich wüsste keinen grund warum man eve so krass nerfen sollte, dass sie nichtmehr junglen kann. denn schließlich hat die community da mal einen anderen weg gefunden einen charakter zu spielen, auf den sonst niemand gekommen wäre, und plötzlich versaut riot wieder alles. ist doch irgendwie bescheuert, oder nicht?
ich hab jungle eve nie gespielt, aber oft genug GEGEN sie und ich muss sagen dass eine jungle eve wirklich ein gefährlicher gegner ist, aber lange nicht so gefährlich dass man ihr gleich alles vermiesen muss.

ausserdem haben ich und mein team bei einer gegnerischen jungle eve einfach als erstes immer den manabuff vom gegner geklaut und da wir selbst auch immer einen jungler haben dann eben noch unseren gemacht -> jungle eve nutzlos. also WARUM zur hölle nerft man sie so?

Originally Posted by USB Schnittstelle View Post
Der Patch gefällt mir sehr gut.

Vorallem aber
oh jaa. =D
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Old 01/17/2011, 15:53   #13

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Kann das mal bitte jemand übersetzen?
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Old 01/17/2011, 16:09   #14
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Originally Posted by The Zorkas View Post
versteh ich nicht.
ich wüsste keinen grund warum man eve so krass nerfen sollte, dass sie nichtmehr junglen kann. denn schließlich hat die community da mal einen anderen weg gefunden einen charakter zu spielen, auf den sonst niemand gekommen wäre, und plötzlich versaut riot wieder alles. ist doch irgendwie bescheuert, oder nicht?
ich hab jungle eve nie gespielt, aber oft genug GEGEN sie und ich muss sagen dass eine jungle eve wirklich ein gefährlicher gegner ist, aber lange nicht so gefährlich dass man ihr gleich alles vermiesen muss.

ausserdem haben ich und mein team bei einer gegnerischen jungle eve einfach als erstes immer den manabuff vom gegner geklaut und da wir selbst auch immer einen jungler haben dann eben noch unseren gemacht -> jungle eve nutzlos. also WARUM zur hölle nerft man sie so?
Der Grund für den Nerf war einfach der dass wenn man eine gegnerische Eve hat, muss man ziemlich mit seinem Tower kuscheln damit man nicht stirbt. Man kann nie richtig pushen, Creepfarming wird verlangsamt und oft muss man schon aus der Exp Range stehen.

Ja ok man kann sich einfach Wards kaufen, aber dies verlangsamt seinen eigenen Built und man wär trotzdem nicht sicher da Eve mit Ulti/Ghost auf einen zugerasst kommen kann und dann wenn man sie schon sieht wird man sofort gestunnt und gekillt.
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Old 01/17/2011, 16:10   #15
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Originally Posted by Akiyama Mio View Post
Kann das mal bitte jemand übersetzen?
Geh auf die Schule und lern Englisch.
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