Pre-season dia4-dia3 boost eune and placements 11/13/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Hi looking for someone, who help me from dia 4 . 28lp to dia 3 need to boost my mmr in pre-season for new season. Solo que will be start soon. Send me prices for solo and duo please.
[Buying] Boost Dia4 (82 LP) -> Dia3 03/11/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 18 Replies Hello!
Iīm sitting on 82 LP in Dia4 at the moment. (EUW)
I gain +18 and lose the same amount.
If you dont drop a game it would be 3 wins.
MMR is a little above average according to
Please leave youre price and skype below. Approaching me via PN isnīt necessary.
[Buying] dia4 to dia3, euw, duoq only 09/03/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 14 Replies hello,
searching for a boost from d4 to d3 on euw, duoq only!
if we win all games we've to play around 6 or 7 games
best regards
[EUW] Searching duoq booster from dia4 to dia3 07/10/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies hey I am searching a duoq partner from d4 to d3 asap (getting about 15lp per win).
Tell me your price and when you can start. I will pay first of course.
[WTB] Dia4 to Dia3 05/05/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 8 Replies 0 lp, want it done asap, only people with enough tbm, no shitters,i need people who can do this easily, prefer duoq with a friend easier to carry.
Leave price + estimated time and if im interested ill contact you
Its on EUW btw