Since I botted accounts 2016 alot has changed. Volibot is no more available. What are current methods for mass botting? Every new prog seems to be able to bot just one acc
Last Chaos GuardianS - New 2019 Server (Opening 12 January 2019) 01/27/2019 - Last Chaos Private Server - 180 Replies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCfwdUoPHu0
Website Coming Soon
Server Information
Start level :1
Max level:165
Skill Points:x3
[Selling] (ACC) 32 meta legendaries, many golden meta cards, Overwatch Origins (accept e*gold) 07/28/2016 - Hearthstone Trading - 0 Replies Hi, as the title says I want to sell my battle.net account. It has a lot of cards in Hearthstone, with good golden cards and you can play almost every meta deck with it. The three buyable Hero's and Lady Liadrin as well as Blackrock Mountain, League of Explorers and Karazhan are fully unlocked. The account is on the EU servers.
I redeemed a key for the Overwatch Origins Edition on my account as well.