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Challenger Euw Soloq answering ur questions
Discussion on Challenger Euw Soloq answering ur questions within the League of Legends forum part of the Popular Games category.
05/21/2019, 18:04
elite*gold: 0
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keep asking
05/25/2019, 19:54
elite*gold: 0
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have time for more questions
05/25/2019, 22:32
elite*gold: 0
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The highest i've been is D2 is there anything in partically im missing cuz i cant climb higher and i've been playing this ******* game since S2 overall my kda is great mechanic etc.
05/26/2019, 20:15
elite*gold: 0
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@ is there anything in partically im missing cuz i cant climb higher?
I would have to see ur op.gg to rly know whats going on. But one of the easiest ways to climb is if u can make sure that u generate a gold lead over ur enemy laner and maybe even the enemy team. At the end of the game how often are u ahead in gold and lvl? mechanics and kda etc dont rly mean much if u dont have the required power to stop them from taking ur buildings. Try to get rly ahead in power lvl of the enemy teams in d2 and u will see a positive winrate and get to master or even higher if u can still keep it up in mastet etc.
05/28/2019, 17:09
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Wrath.league
Try not to underline the Mentions like i did in the Edit of your post.
05/30/2019, 22:25
elite*gold: 0
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ok will do. have time for more questions
06/05/2019, 22:18
elite*gold: 0
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keep asking
06/06/2019, 11:24
elite*gold: 0
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I've been hovering from d2 to d1 and back all the time for like atleast 50 games.What can I do to atleast hit master?
my op gg
06/06/2019, 20:44
elite*gold: 0
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@ I've been hovering from d2 to d1 and back all the time for like atleast 50 games.What can I do to atleast hit master?
Ok thats easy to solve. For the next 1-2 months just play only garen u have a rly good winrate on him even in d2 that should be enough to get u to master. The reason u are not master allrdy is all the other random champs where u lose more than u win and the duoq that keeps u down also.Do garen only until u hit master dodge everything else and dont duo.
06/08/2019, 17:54
elite*gold: 122
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Wow if a challenger says "Play garen" that's the time that you know: League is lost.
Sorry, but coming with Garen to master isn't hard, and to win with him also.
In my mind no one can be proud if he is master because he is playing Garen. Garen is some kind of noob champ (he only needs to press E and Q and sometimes his R, after a fight he is healing with +300 hp every second, he is tanky af, and there is often no good chance to kill him in 1v1) why don't try to play some champs which need really skills like, I don't know... Kai'Sa, Tristana, Rek'Sai, Kled, Skarner, Syndra, Ahri, LeBlanc, yes maybe Nasus because you need to farm and stack with your Q (and that's not so easy as someone thinks and Nasus isn't a tanky boy without ult)... but playing Garen and climb to master is really bad. Just my opinion.
06/08/2019, 19:32
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Melli-
Wow if a challenger says "Play garen" that's the time that you know: League is lost.
Sorry, but coming with Garen to master isn't hard, and to win with him also.
In my mind no one can be proud if he is master because he is playing Garen. Garen is some kind of noob champ (he only needs to press E and Q and sometimes his R, after a fight he is healing with +300 hp every second, he is tanky af, and there is often no good chance to kill him in 1v1) why don't try to play some champs which need really skills like, I don't know... Kai'Sa, Tristana, Rek'Sai, Kled, Skarner, Syndra, Ahri, LeBlanc, yes maybe Nasus because you need to farm and stack with your Q (and that's not so easy as someone thinks and Nasus isn't a tanky boy without ult)... but playing Garen and climb to master is really bad. Just my opinion.
Where is this coming from that you cannot and are deemed bad if you play only no skilled champs.There is still macro play ,lane management,decision making,you have to do which doesn't really corellate to the champion you play,wait one more thing,maybe just MAYBE it occured to you that I want to play that champ bcuz he is fun ? shocker right ,having fun in league ,wow.
There is a reason why people are in the divisions they are and for me hitting master is a self improvement and mental thing.Season 3 I was silver,Season 4 I was gold ,Season 5 I was plat ,Season 6 I was plat 1-2,Season 7 I was diamond 5,Season 8 I was d3 ,Season 9 I am planning with hitting Master,so in my mind I am improving either playing **** champs or not I am.So your opinion really doesn't do anything for me.I'm sry . GL in your soloq games and wish you the best.
06/10/2019, 03:15
elite*gold: 0
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Keep asking
06/13/2019, 17:14
elite*gold: 0
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have time for more questions
06/14/2019, 06:19
elite*gold: 40
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What did you practice and how? Some words about it would be great.
06/15/2019, 07:59
elite*gold: 0
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@ What did you practice and how? Some words about it would be great.
Thats an interesting question. First of all i played alot like rly rly rly rly rly alot sometimes 15h per day etc. U allrdy get much much better by reducing ur champ pool and spamming those champs. But what i specifically trained is map awareness i just forced myself to look at the minimap after every last hit. I normally play a very strategic kind of playstyle so i never rly trained mechanics much they just got automatically better by playing alot and i also never played super high mechanical champs. The thing i trained the most is probably clean decision making. I create a strategy and think about what i have to do ingame in order to achieve that and then play according to those rules. I try to stay rly focused and follow my own rules and not get distracted by my team or misplays etc. Thats probably the thing im best at. Staying focused and following a set strategy. My mechanics were never anything special.
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