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Challenger Euw Soloq answering ur questions

Discussion on Challenger Euw Soloq answering ur questions within the League of Legends forum part of the Popular Games category.

Old 01/15/2020, 12:58   #1126

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Where do you position yourself in lane as adc?
Let's say it's Cait/Nami vs Mf/Brand.
Do I mirror the ADC? What to do when Brand pokes me tk death?

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Old 01/15/2020, 18:01   #1127
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@ Where do you position yourself in lane as adc?

It rly depends on what ur overall laning strategy is and if u can even apply it here. If u shove them in i would try to get brush control and be far away from the river so u have more time to escape ganks. If they push u in i would stay away from brushes and hope ur jgler has time to come. If u play against champs that have hooks etc u need to stand behind minions. If u play vs mf u should not stand behind minions etc. Its a super broad question. I like to hard shove it and then roam for ganks or drakes or enemy jgl invades or even just platings. Then u also have to think less about positioning because u are not in lane for long.

Do I mirror the ADC? What to do when Brand pokes me tk death?

If u play cait nami vs mf brand u are not going to win an all in so u probably cant push them in. Ur best bet is to stay on the left side of the minions let them shove call for ur jgler and slowly poke them with ur range+nami heals. If he pokes u too hard u can take more sustain in runes with lifesteal etc or just soak xp and fall a bit behind in cs. 1 lvl is alot of gold and more worth than getting every single last hit and having to recall because of poke then. Mf brand are easily ganked so i think a freeze is ur best bet early (if they dont hard shove u in ofc).
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Old 01/18/2020, 17:17   #1128
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Have time for more questions
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Old 01/21/2020, 18:44   #1129
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keep asking
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Old 01/24/2020, 17:20   #1130
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have time for more questions
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Old 01/24/2020, 19:11   #1131

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Originally Posted by Wrath.league View Post
have time for more questions
how to fix weak mental ?XD

d2 elo is like a zoo
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Old 01/24/2020, 19:39   #1132

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When to group as tryndamere top lane?
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Old 01/28/2020, 20:29   #1133
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@ how to fix weak mental ?

I dont know how to fix it. But i know how to avoid getting too tilted so u stop caring and lose alot of elo.
1. Fullmute all listening to 90% trash is not worth the 10% useful info
2. Dodge games that allrdy look very hard in cs. like 3 autofills etc.
3. After a loss take a break. The longer the better, if necessary even the whole day.
Thats what im doing mostly to not get too tilted.

@ When to group as tryndamere top lane?
Short answer: If ur team is winning, group and end. If ur team is losing, split and hope they chase u instead of ending.

More complicated answer: It can depend on a lot of different things, what is going to be more effective in a given game. If they have alot of kite potential it tilts towards splitting. If they have a champ that can deal with ur splitpush it tilts towards grouping. If u go for pushing items like tiamat etc splitting becomes better. If u go for max cdr e spam and can stick to people grouping becomes better. If ur team is actually taking objectives while u apply pressure in a split, splitting becomes better. If the enemy team has champs with globals like tf/shen etc, grouping becomes better. If u train teamfighting all day and wanna fight, then that becomes better. If u like splitpushing and do it all day, then obv splitting becomes better. I personally like having strategies that work in a wide range of games, instead of getting too specific and making it impossibly complicated to calculate.

I would probably just take the easy answer and if u have the option for a very lucrative split for a high chance inhib, u can even split in a winning team obv.
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Old 02/01/2020, 17:39   #1134
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keep asking
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Old 02/03/2020, 19:00   #1135
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In case your getting outclassed already af and your Supporter thinks its a good idea to Roam toplane 24/7

And you getting botlane Dived mutiple times in a row. What should you do in that case.

Go back to lane, you get 2 CS and get dived + Tower falls anyway

Move Midlane, they got objective Drake and Tower even easier and Midlaner gets tilted

idk what to do in such moments when i have to play a 1v2 lane where i cant even stay under the tower
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Old 02/03/2020, 21:13   #1136
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lets say im playing zed mid and im up 2-0 but my bot,top and jungle are feeding and continue to do so, what do i do?

that's like 80% of my games right now and i feel like its impossible to climb even when i feel like i outclass almost all the midlaners im facing.

an answer would be appreciated
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Old 02/04/2020, 20:13   #1137
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@ In case your getting outclassed already af and your Supporter thinks its a good idea to Roam toplane 24/7 And you getting botlane Dived mutiple times in a row. What should you do in that case?

It is not ur job as an adc to defend those things. Adcs suck at defending obj solo. U go where u think the highest chance of income for urself will be. U want to overtake the enemy team in income. If u cant farm bot then dont go there. Gank their top laner or call ur jglr for herald etc. Just move with ur champ to the next highest income.

@ lets say im playing zed mid and im up 2-0 but my bot,top and jungle are feeding and continue to do so, what do i do?

U will never win every game. If ur team is turbo inting it u might have been able to see that in champ select allrdy by looking at their winrates/games played. But a good idea is to create situations that are easy to win and with almost no downside. So for example instead of constantly trying to outplay the enemy mid laner and getting fed off of him. U rather roam bot and create a 3v2 as often as possible. Not only is it easier to win those fights, it also keeps ur bot lane from running it down and u have more potential for income and less risk. Ur top and jgl are often still somewhat useful even when behind. But if ur adc has no items its 4v5. If u rly outclass other mids u should be ahead in gold and lvl often and so much that u are able to 1v2 enemy champs. That means the rest of ur team only needs to handle 3 people which they should be often able to do and that gives u a positive winrate right there. But creating outnumber situations + gold/lvl lead is one of the easiest way to win soloq and climb.
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Old 02/09/2020, 12:12   #1138
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have time for more questions
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Old 02/11/2020, 17:46   #1139
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Best mid champs atm ?
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Old 02/12/2020, 18:55   #1140
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@ Best mid champs atm ?

Depends on which elo (since lower elo games go longer so scaling champs become better) and if only soloq or also competitive. But for soloq overall i would say:
qiyana, zoe, cass, kata, rumble (lb and syndra are fine but i dont see them winning alot of games).
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