how to fix weak mental ?
I dont know how to fix it. But i know how to avoid getting too tilted so u stop caring and lose alot of elo.
1. Fullmute all listening to 90% trash is not worth the 10% useful info
2. Dodge games that allrdy look very hard in cs. like 3 autofills etc.
3. After a loss take a break. The longer the better, if necessary even the whole day.
Thats what im doing mostly to not get too tilted.
When to group as tryndamere top lane?
Short answer: If ur team is winning, group and end. If ur team is losing, split and hope they chase u instead of ending.
More complicated answer: It can depend on a lot of different things, what is going to be more effective in a given game. If they have alot of kite potential it tilts towards splitting. If they have a champ that can deal with ur splitpush it tilts towards grouping. If u go for pushing items like tiamat etc splitting becomes better. If u go for max cdr e spam and can stick to people grouping becomes better. If ur team is actually taking objectives while u apply pressure in a split, splitting becomes better. If the enemy team has champs with globals like tf/shen etc, grouping becomes better. If u train teamfighting all day and wanna fight, then that becomes better. If u like splitpushing and do it all day, then obv splitting becomes better. I personally like having strategies that work in a wide range of games, instead of getting too specific and making it impossibly complicated to calculate.
I would probably just take the easy answer and if u have the option for a very lucrative split for a high chance inhib, u can even split in a winning team obv.