Weird Error 01/25/2014 - Dekaron Private Server - 2 Replies Okay well recently I got a windows 8 computer and I want to set it up on here. But I get this error. onway/Weird_zps3af4c804.png Its weird cause I used Gezrulez tutorial on making it since I use SQL2000 at the moment. I know the username and password and I get the error.
I did this on my windows 7 laptop and it ran fine and no errors I had to deal with.
Making a Dekaron private server tutorial on windows 7 - YouTube
weird error in sro 04/02/2013 - Silkroad Online - 3 Replies I have a very weird error when i open the launcher and i click start sro will not start he show me 2 times a black screen and then he stops.. Sro dont give an error or something. I hope someone can help me
Weird Error 05/20/2009 - Dekaron Private Server - 11 Replies can anyone tell me why do i get this anoying error everytime F.jpg does anyone know how to fix this error ? :S
edit 1 ok i found out that my pc is the main problem of this problem cus i tried on my other pc OS vista and it worked just fine not even problem runs smooth :(
Weird error? 06/02/2008 - Dekaron - 5 Replies About 4-5 of my friends including myslef are experiencing this weird problem when we start 2moons, Basically we start up 2moons, GG runs then our computers all restart. We've uninstalled mutiple times no success. Wondering if anyone could offer a suggestion/help?