League of Legends - Free Garen & Garen Dreadknight Skin [EUW & EUNE] 03/15/2014 - Freebies - 5 Replies Moin,
was ihr braucht:
- Logischer weise einen League of Legends Account
- Twitter Account
müsst dann einfach auf diesen Link gehen (Ist kein Download):
Free Dreadknight Garen - EU
Viel Spaß damit.
Garen+Skin For Free (Twitter account) 03/13/2014 - League of Legends - 1 Replies You only need a twitter acc and follow riot on it, you can make a new Acc and you dont have to confirm email etc.
Offizial Riot Tweet:
https://twitter.com/loleu/status/4440876497965137 92
Works on EUW not sure if work on other
Free Garen + Dreadknight skin 03/13/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 12 Replies https://twitter.com/loleu/status/44408764979651379 2
100% work:3 you just need twitter account
Screen from i2Fame for proff :-)
Dreadknight Garen skin free on EUW/EUNE! 03/13/2014 - League of Legends - 3 Replies Free Dreadknight Garen for EUW and EUNE only!
What you need to have? Only a Twitter account!
Dreadknight Garen for following on Twitter - League of Legends Community
http://forums.euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showt hread.php?p=15167835#post15167835