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[Buying] Bronze Account oder Eloboost Umsonst 09/28/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Hey Suche eine billigen Bronze Account, sollte mind. 20 Champs paar Runen & Seiten..
oder ich Booste euren Bronze Account umsonst, da ich meinen Bro pushen möchte..
PM or Thread
Looking for a bronze account to boost FREE! 09/26/2013 - Freebies - 0 Replies I am looking for an account which is currently in bronze.
I pref bronze 5, but ill take any. I will boost you for free, my main is in diamond 3
and ill be able to boost you up to silver. I only boost to silver because I want to boost other people too!
Add me on skype
[Buying] ELO BOOST FOR FAR CRY 3 ACCOUNT BRONZE LEAGUE 04/30/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hi im searching for elo boost and im paying a uplay account with far cry 3 and im now currently bronze 4
add me at skype wael78957 or pm me!
[Trading] Looking for a Bronze account, or Free Boost! 03/25/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies Hi, i am looking for a bronze account preferably under Bronze II, and it will be used to duo with someone else. I am willing to buy your account, but if you accept my free elo boost then I would be even happier.
NA server
Note: Im not looking for an account with lots of champs, i just want to get a crappy account, around $20
*** Looking for Bronze NA account! (Buy | Free Boost) *** 03/07/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies Hey everyone! <3
I'm looking for an account in Bronze IV-V on NA servers for a youtube series I'm doing on escaping 'ELO Hell.' Series will consist of me raising an account from Bronze IV-V to either Gold or Plat (depending on how busy I am with school). I'm willing to either purchase an account in Bronze IV-V for under $20 or give a free boost to someone over a lengthy period of time.
Contact me via pm or skype: Still.Boosting